From my experience, the only time lawyers make big money off of divorces is because of the parties.
Most want all of everything minus the debt. That just doesnt happen so people would rather spend their life savings getting everything from the divorce than to just agree on something and cut your potential loss.
Im sure my attorneys have racked up huge fees in divorces, but the amount of arguing people do isnt the easiest for an attorney to process into paperwork and court procedings; not to mention time used for arguing couples. In the end, attorneys can give their best advice, but the client is the boss and in charge of their own money and how to spend it.
My divorce cost me NOTHING. She paid for the attorny and the only thing I lost was the dog and bowflex. Both I got back within a month. The dog came back the next day and I bought the bowflex cause she needed money after paying for the lawyer. lol That was many moons ago though and no divorces in my future.