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Jail Weekend

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  • Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
    You and Mike can ask all you want, however I don't have to nor will I answer you questions that pertain to MY private life.
    You brought your own private life on the board.


    • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      And for the record, it's not that far fetched for a car to not be towed. I've been arrested and they let me leave it in the parking lot I pulled in to, when being stopped.

      And about a decade ago I was stopped, drunk (and had taken a xanax) WHILE on a suspended license, and the cop let me go and followed me home. It seems not every officer has liability in the front of his mind, 100% of the time.

      I'm not sticking up for the guy, I'm just saying it happens from time to time.
      things are different now though. now there are policies in place that force us to do it or hear from the man.


      • Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
        I'm afraid I don't understand what your saying! The questions I have asked are all on topic for the most part, where I choose to police at is a different topic.
        Some of the questions pertained, though, but oh well. I need to stop anyway. I went from informative, to entertained, to investigative, then to entertained again... I think I've seen enough here.


        • Originally posted by Denny View Post
          The city I worked for had over 80% revenue generated through fines by the PD. Trust me, I know. I think I might have stayed in the field longer if I had worked for a better municipality. Oh well, no complaints now.
          And I bet you were one of these assholes that takes people in for no reason too huh? You must not have got your strips like you hoped for and hit the highway after getting upset about doing SOOOO MUCH for the public and not getting anything in return right?
          Wanna see my care face???


          • Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
            And I bet you were one of these assholes that takes people in for no reason too huh? You must not have got your strips like you hoped for and hit the highway after getting upset about doing SOOOO MUCH for the public and not getting anything in return right?
            BUFFALOHALTOM, is that you?

            Have you not been reading ANY of his posts?


            • Originally posted by Mike View Post
              BUFFALOHALTOM, is that you?

              Have you not been reading ANY of his posts?
              Who the hell is that?
              Wanna see my care face???


              • Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
                things are different now though. now there are policies in place that force us to do it or hear from the man.
                If you're not covering your ass, you're risking your job (and then some).

                You can get fucked for your actions AND inactions.

                I honestly don't see how y'all are doing it anymore.


                • Whoa whoa whoa. Didn't you used to have a different screen name, blake?
                  ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                  • Originally posted by Yale View Post
                    Whoa whoa whoa. Didn't you used to have a different screen name, blake?
                    Nope always been the same.
                    Wanna see my care face???


                    • Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
                      And I bet you were one of these assholes that takes people in for no reason too huh? You must not have got your strips like you hoped for and hit the highway after getting upset about doing SOOOO MUCH for the public and not getting anything in return right?
                      I actually wrote about my history on here. Did you miss that one too?


                      • Originally posted by Yale View Post
                        Whoa whoa whoa. Didn't you used to have a different screen name, blake?
                        No, you were thinking about a thief, not a drunk.


                        • So....

                're not too quick on the uptake, are you?
                          So Thursday night I go to my friends house to play poker...long story short the game lasted til about 7 AM. I drive home only to find my stang sitting halfway in my yard and FUCKING totaled. Some lowlife piece of shit hit my car and took off. I have no trail other than the green paint I was...

                          Originally posted by Blakeski
                          So Thursday night I go to my friends house to play poker...long story short the game lasted til about 7 AM. I drive home only to find my stang sitting halfway in my yard and FUCKING totaled. Some lowlife piece of shit hit my car and took off. I have no trail other than the green paint I was able to scrape off of my fender and bumper. So I call the police and of course I have a warrant out, so guess what...I go to jail. Sit in jail for 2 days and come home only to find my car the way I left it. This is horrible all because I was supposed to sell the car Saturday. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can find these fuckers please, your ideas are welcome. THEY WILL PAY!
                          Originally posted by Nate
                          LOL and this should be fun when I check back in late today or tomorrow.
                          Originally posted by sc281_99-0135
                          In before hilarity ensues.
                          Originally posted by talisman
                          I don't even know where to start with this douchebag.
                          Originally posted by 89gt-stanger
                          To make a sound decision, we are going to need to see some pics.
                          Originally posted by J&T's 82
                          Almost ruined my netbook with coffee spitage
                          Originally posted by BreedLove
                          This site never ceases to amaze me.
                          Originally posted by Hass
                          Get lots of good security cameras. I did after my windshield got mysteriously broken and so far I've caught my mailman crushing one of our baby bushes as well as a truck that looked like it was casing my house. I can even watch videos of my house on my cell phone from anywhere I get cell coverage as well as on the internet.
                          Originally posted by helosailor
                          *hands in the air, saying "weeeeeeee" as if I'm on a roller coaster*
                          Originally posted by Badass2000gt
                          I bet they won't.
                          Originally posted by sig239
                          Im backing away from this one, and leaving it for some one who can tare his ass in a worthy style. I see 5 pages before nite fall.
                          Originally posted by 97blkpny
                          Kicking my feet up now.
                          Originally posted by Denny
                          At the end of the day, at least the cops got one bad guy
                          Originally posted by 05Jickser-6
                          I find that Allen has a nice jail...
                          Originally posted by jnobles06
                          karmas a bitch. good luck.
                          Originally posted by Yale
                          I bet if I call the cops out to my house, I don't have a warrant.
                          Originally posted by jnobles06
                          are you sure you didnt drive home drunk at 7am and wreck it yourself in your own yard. then call the cops to report a hit and run, and then got arrested for a warrant anyways?
                          Originally posted by Gumby5.0
                          Sounds fishy to me.......
                          Originally posted by WTGT86
                          Originally posted by Bullitt3246
                          Originally posted by Shaun
                          OMGZORS..>@$@$ solved the case watson!!!
                          Originally posted by dustin
                          Detective Dipshit is on the job!
                          Originally posted by kangol
                          Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino
                          If this had been a joke, and posted by somebody else, it would've been hilarious. Instead, it's merely awesome. Keep up the good work, dipshit!
                          Originally posted by LZRREDGT
                          I want pizza.
                          Originally posted by Treadhead
                          So what was the warrant for? We need details.:confused2:
                          Originally posted by Shaun
                          maybe he went back to jail....
                          Originally posted by Da Prez
                          Originally posted by Blakeski
                          the warrant was just an old traffic ticket nothing special, i have the headlight from the car almost pieced together, i'm gonna give it to the detective tomorrow
                          Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                          Have you seeeeeeeeen the accident outside. 7 people all took a ride. 6 bachelors, and their bride. 7 people took a riiiiiiide.
                          Originally posted by RuStYpNuS
                          I DFWStangs
                          Originally posted by slvr01
                          That's why I quit calling the law. It's not because they won't do anything but because I may have warrants and I'll go to jail while those bastard's who broke the law are out on the streets doing as they please.
                          Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino
                          You have to have broken the law to have a warrant put out for your arrest, imo.

                          FYP, BTW.
                          Originally posted by slvr01
                          Check your meter it may be broken or in need of recalibration.
                          Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino
                          Hard to tell given the original post in this thread. Either way, it needed to be (re?)stated.
                          Originally posted by slvr01
                          I'am white older male I got no problems with the law unless they pull me over on the way home from the local bar. This is just a test to see if your meter has been properly calibrated.
                          Originally posted by chocho
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • Originally posted by Yale View Post
                  're not too quick on the uptake, are you?



                            • Continued...

                              So this past weekend me and my neighbor went up to my friends lease to fish and hunt. Well long story short we get out there and start drinking some whiskey and doing a lil night time fishing. A few hours pass and it's 3 AM so we decide lets go back in the woods to the creek and see if we can...

                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              So this past weekend me and my neighbor went up to my friends lease to fish and hunt. Well long story short we get out there and start drinking some whiskey and doing a lil night time fishing. A few hours pass and it's 3 AM so we decide lets go back in the woods to the creek and see if we can see something. Well low and behold our drunk ass' dont make it out of the woods til sunrise and now my face, arms, and yep the pecker even have Posion Ivy. I have never had it before and let me tell you this shit sucks. I got some calamine lotion this morning and it seems to help a little bit, but not enough. What should I do besides not walk in the woods drunk? What gets rid of this shit, and how long does it last anyways?
                              Originally posted by NTexas_V-Star
                              1st, lol.

                              You got poison ivy on the pecker? Must've had it out.....
                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Or maybe its becuase I drank so much that I had to take a piss?
                              Originally posted by bonnie&clyde
                              go get the shot for it, that will cure it faster than anything else
                              Originally posted by Stevo
                              Or you and your buddy decided to have a drunken faggot fuck fest, Brokeback Mtn. style.

                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              I'm new at this, I didnt even think I was allergic to the stuff. I have walked through it before and never had a problem, but man I have never heard of a Poison Ivy shot!
                              Originally posted by Shoot To Kill
                              great post!
                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Nah I'm a pussy hitter!
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              LMAO ... wonder if his buddy has ivy rash in his ass.
                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              My fucking eyes are almost swollen shut, does anyone have any intelligent input?
                              Originally posted by 94form2000z

                              Ok if you do not have a removable shower head go get one now.. then get in the shower with warm water.. find a rash and place the shower head spraying on it, now gradually decrease the cold water till you reach scorch on the spot.. Feels so good.. now move to another lol

                              Might as well enjoy it.
                              Originally posted by Stevo
                              Sure: Don't fucking walk in the woods drunk.
                              (and have a faggot fuck fest with a drunken buddy)

                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Re-read thread numb nuts!
                              Originally posted by JACKASS RACING
                              U can get a shot at the dr.,best advise your gonna get...the itching will ease up within 30 minutes,i was covered with the shit...except on my junk.
                              Originally posted by mutherjuggz
                              I think pretty much everyone is allergic to that kinda shit, but I'm probably wrong.

                              Never dealt with it, although I've been in the woods a million times whilst drinking / camping / fishing. I'm adding hunting to the list this year
                              Originally posted by mutherjuggz
                              don't forget to disinfect everything you've touched since you got home... including the keyboard
                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Ok well I am going to the doctor at 2 to get this shot ya'll speak of. Do I need to wash eveything that I've touched? I don't want my daughter catching this crap.
                              Originally posted by mutherjuggz
                              YES and YES
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              Some people dont react to it. It never has bothered me. Only 80% of people have a reaction to the oil that makes you itch.

                              It isn't swine flu but it would be best to wipe everything down anyhow. Its the transfer of the oil off the plant that makes you itch. Did you take a shower when you got home? If so then you should be in the clear when it comes to your kid.

                              Now does your buddy have asshole rash or not?
                              Originally posted by Stevo
                              Better call said drunkin' buddy and tell him to cleanse his balloon-knot if he hasn't done it yet.

                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Yes of course i took a shower, I'm not a scum bucket. My neighbor has it on his hands and fore-head. The funny part about this whole thing is he was way more drunk than me. While we were in the woods that fucker fell atleast 5 different times it was funny as shit!
                              Originally posted by Blakeski
                              Dude are you a queer or do you just like constantly talking about fag stuff?
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              Tell your buddy to sit on a pine cone ... atleast he can itch the insides that way.
                              Originally posted by Stevo
                              Coming from the guy that got drunk and lost with the neighbor in the woods, with poison ivy on his junk?

                              You seem to be awful touchy (pun intended) on the subject.

                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              Its not his fault that Uncle Wally likes to play hide the object with him in the nude.
                              Originally posted by FoMoCoDriver
                              Brokeback Mountain!
                              Originally posted by turkey_85gt
                              So you have posion ivy on your pecker and he has it on his forehead!!!

                              Originally posted by BeyondBtch02GT
                              Take a hot sea salt bath. It dries up the oil and helps with the itching. Iv had it many times and this helps clear it up pretty quick.
                              Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino
                              To see if you can "see something"? Do you realize how fucking gay that sounds?

                              And LOL @ him having it on his hands and forehead, and you on your pecker.
                              Originally posted by Stevo
                              On your pecker?

                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                              • Hell, I forgot about that one! LMAO!!!!

                                Blake, are you sure you want to be a cop? Just askin'...

