yeah i have been thinking about getting that phone but cannot get over the simplicity of the Iphone...
if you are a little bit tech savvy you can get an android to work really smooth and simple like the iphone. you just have to root it and set it up the way you like. i would have done that but i dont have my own computer at the moment
if you are a little bit tech savvy you can get an android to work really smooth and simple like the iphone. you just have to root it and set it up the way you like. i would have done that but i dont have my own computer at the moment
meh im alright, if i ever have any problems with my iphone i normally just google the issue or get on youtube....haha
What did you do to conserve battery? I stopped running live wallpaper
I'm a basic sort of user and turned off a bunch of stuff and deleted others. There is a setting for auto energy savings and turning off wifi... I'm also not in an LTE area
i like the androids and will most likely get one when my 3gs craps out, but not one of those huge ones
The iphone guys at work were making fun of mine when I got it. They were walking around holding laptops, ipads, books, etc up to their ears, talking into them.
The people who laugh at my phone all have Heineken iPhones with custom upgrades that make their phones look like a Droid. I'm not a "fanboy" of either but I like how people get snobby after they see something different. Originally I was wait for the ip5 until I read it was getting about half an inch bigger and a bigger phone is what I've been looking for.
I'm a basic sort of user and turned off a bunch of stuff and deleted others. There is a setting for auto energy savings and turning off wifi... I'm also not in an LTE area
A good modded rom and tweaked kernel go a long way in battery life. And changing the modem can make a huge change also.
The people who laugh at my phone all have Heineken iPhones with custom upgrades that make their phones look like a Droid. I'm not a "fanboy" of either but I like how people get snobby after they see something different. Originally I was wait for the ip5 until I read it was getting about half an inch bigger and a bigger phone is what I've been looking for.
chale! it's all good vato hell i like the android but when it's time for me to ditch my 3gs and get one i will be getting something smaller than a clipboard
chale! it's all good vato hell i like the android but when it's time for me to ditch my 3gs and get one i will be getting something smaller than a clipboard
Lol. I'll sell you my old Nokia. Just don't best my high score in snake
I've been hearing that, but I'm done with jailbreaking, I think it made my iPhones run like crap
yea jailbreaking iphones make them run slower and mess up from time to time
rooting(jailbreaking) an android phone makes it smoother and faster like an un-jailbroken iphone and it is a lot easier to do than an iphone from what i hear
yea jailbreaking iphones make them run slower and mess up from time to time
rooting(jailbreaking) an android phone makes it smoother and faster like an un-jailbroken iphone and it is a lot easier to do than an iphone from what i hear
It is a shit-ton easier to do than jailbreaking an iPhone.