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Battlefield injury you don't think about

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  • Battlefield injury you don't think about

    I wasn't sure if this would go here or to the political forum, but since it's not political I am putting it here.

    Something you don't think about when you're deploying is "if I'm hit by an IED, what about my junk?" Evidently, the VA, DoD and entire military system has either ignored the issue or put it on the back burner. I can't stand HuffPo but this is a good article.

    Before they went off to fight in Afghanistan, the guys of 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines talked quietly about their deepest fear. Not dying. Not losing a leg or an arm.

    It was having their genitals ripped off, burned away or crushed in the fiery blast of an improvised explosive device.

    This was no idle concern to young men bursting with testosterone. The makeshift bombs known as IEDs are taking a frightening toll in Afghanistan, the blasts shearing off arms and legs, ripping through soft flesh, crushing organs and bone, and driving dirt, rocks and filth deep into torn flesh -- often leaving the genitals shredded or missing. Some guys said they'd rather be dead.

    Mark Litynski, a 23-year-old rifleman with Lima Company, knew the odds. He'd been married to Heather for almost a year, and children were in the future they planned together.

    I ought to freeze my sperm so we could still have kids if something happened, he thought.

    The idea nagged at him. But in the rush of last-minute training before they packed their sea bags and weapons and then took a few days of boisterous leave, he kept putting it off. Where do you go to freeze your sperm, anyway? Who would you even ask?

    By the time they loaded on the buses at Camp Pendleton, it was too late. Should have done it, Mark thought as they boarded the plane in September 2010.

    Weeks later, Mark was on a combat patrol in Sangin, southern Afghanistan, walking behind an engineer sweeping for IEDs, marking their path with yellow spraypaint. IED detectors aren't foolproof. There came a bright flash and searing heat, then the upward blast ripped off both of Mark's legs and most of his left arm, slashing into his remaining arm, shattering his pelvis and driving a rock and other debris up into his abdominal cavity.

    Amid the bloody carnage, all the skin was ripped from his penis and his testicles were gone.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    They have been wearing a Kevlar diaper and a thin Kevlar boxers for awhile now.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #3
      Mens Health Magazine actually did a pretty good article on this a couple issues ago. They were saying that the IEDs in Iraq were big and usually just killed everybody where as the ones in Afghanistan arnt as sophisticated or smaller and were just maiming people if I remember correctly


      • #4
        Oh the Afghanis definately have the market on making a soldier a honey pot. Iraqi IED's tend to be 155's stuck together or an entire car.
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          Why on earth are we using live humans to sweep for mines? Do we not have prisoners? Let them run out there and see what blows up. Or at least some type of remote controled unit that could sweep and mark.

          Just for the record, I'd rather be killed than loose my junk. Live without ain't much of a livin' .

          I hope those fellas are able to get a transplant or something.


          • #6
            Well, i'm gunna have nightmares tonight.

            I like the idea above. Use captured soldiers from the other side to walk out front. Then all they're doing is blowing up thier own people.
            .223 > 911

