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  • Titanoboa

    New York commuters arriving  at Grand Central Station were greeted by a monstrous sight: a 48-foot-long, 2,500-pound titanoboa snake. The good news: It's not alive. Anymore. But the full-scale replica of the reptile -- which was unveiled at the commuter hub on March 22 -- is intended, as Smithsonian spokesperson Randall Kremer joked, to "scare the [...]

    There's a video in the link... how cool is this! Definitely glad it's not around anymore.

    New York commuters arriving at Grand Central Station will soon be greeted by a monstrous sight: a 48-foot-long, 2,500-pound titanoboa snake.

    The good news: It's not alive. Anymore. But the full-scale replica of the reptile -- which will make its first appearance at the commuter hub on March 22 -- is intended, as Smithsonian spokesperson Randall Kremer happily admitted, to "scare the daylights out of people" -- actually has a higher calling: to "communicate science to a lot of people." The scientifically scary-accurate model will go a long way toward that: If this snake slithered by you, it would be waist-high and measure the length of a school bus. Think of it as the T-rex of snakes.

    This newly discovered species, known as titanoboa (yes, the words "titan" and "boa" are in there), which lived 65 million years ago, is about to have its close-up. The New York City appearance is promoting an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History in D.C. opening on March 30, which ties in to a TV special on the Smithsonian Channel called, what else, "Titanoboa: Monster Snake." The two-hour program airs April 1.

    Remains of the titanoboa were first discovered in a Colombian coal mine in 2005. One of the researchers specializing in the Paleocene era, the time after the death of the dinosaurs, was Jonathan Bloch. A vertebrate paleontologist from University of Florida's Museum of Natural History, the scientist led multiple expeditions, along with Carlos Jaramillo of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. The team collected remains from the mine, which resulted in the find. Together with ancient-snake expert Jason Head of the University of Nebraska, they named the world's largest snake Titanoboa.

    Speaking on the phone to Yahoo! News, Bloch admitted that when the team was first collecting the skeletons of Titanoboa, he didn't immediately understand what he had found until he returned to the lab. With the help of his students, he was able to identify the fossils as snakes, just much, much bigger than the ones of today. He described the enormous vertebrae as "sort of like if you saw a mouse skull the size of rhino skull."

    The predator, which is related to a boa constrictor but actually behaved like an anaconda, lived in water and fed on fish, other titanoboas, and crocodiles (very, very large crocodiles).

    If this sounds like Hollywood's next blockbuster, Bloch noted that this time around, truth is actually bigger than fiction: The predator from the movie "Anaconda," for one, is not as big as titanoboa. "This is really an example where reality and the past have exceeded the imaginations of Hollywood."

  • #2
    Good god the jokes I could make................


    • #3
      The vapor trail I'd leave if I ran across a snake like that...


      • #4
        Id fall over DRT if I "met" a titanoboa! I have an uncanny phobia of snakes. I HATE snakes. I High stepped screaming like a girl on several occasions on duty.... In front of people... One claimed he got it on youtube. Ive looked. he lies!


        • #5
          no pics

          no care


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
            Id fall over DRT if I "met" a titanoboa! I have an uncanny phobia of snakes. I HATE snakes. I High stepped screaming like a girl on several occasions on duty.... In front of people... One claimed he got it on youtube. Ive looked. he lies!
            That's me, but with spiders. Because fuck spiders.

            Seriously, though, fuck spiders.


            • #7
              I'm just glad it's already dead
              Originally posted by Nash B.
              Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


              • #8
                ^^^ lol at ratt
                I hate them too... But spiders usually leave me alone. Its the effing snakes that always HAPPEN to be in someones damn garage or backyard while working night shift and no ACO on at night... I have to go get it. Thank god my shift knows this and usually shags that call for me. I just got a effing shivver thinking about them.


                • #9
                  Tanner LMFAO!!! You fucking pussies man... I don't really like spiders but as long as they aren't around me idc. Snakes? When I'm chillin in Africa or the rice patties is the only time I really get nervous.


                  • #10
                    Kiss my ass Jeff. you havent lived till youve been near a snake and I. its quite epix!


                    • #11
                      And on that note, Im going to bed now. Last fucking time I talked about snakes, I had a damned nightmare about snakes. Woke up kicking. Wife punched me in the nuts on accident. I laughed while digging my boys out of my stomach.


                      • #12
                        Soooo....Tremors was right?

