I am sure the jokes will ensue after my next comment but my roommate is off Craigslist. He is clean, doesn't cause trouble, pays rent 5 days in advance, sometimes. I travel a lot, was gone for a week last month and had no issues. I am going on about 4 months.
There are definitely crazies out there, but do your research, invite them over, talk to them, do background checks, etc.. I put a clause in my contract that if you are crazy and we don't "click", you are out. I don't word it like that of course but I usually put something in there to cover my ass.
Besides that he turns the dishwasher on for 1 plate and a fork, I have no complaints.
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
Actually, find someone from this board. If he pisses you off, let him have it on the board. If he really fucks up, chances are you can post his # and people here will make him miserable for a while.
I am sure the jokes will ensue after my next comment but my roommate is off Craigslist. He is clean, doesn't cause trouble, pays rent 5 days in advance, sometimes. I travel a lot, was gone for a week last month and had no issues. I am going on about 4 months.
There are definitely crazies out there, but do your research, invite them over, talk to them, do background checks, etc.. I put a clause in my contract that if you are crazy and we don't "click", you are out. I don't word it like that of course but I usually put something in there to cover my ass.
Besides that he turns the dishwasher on for 1 plate and a fork, I have no complaints.
Actually, find someone from this board. If he pisses you off, let him have it on the board. If he really fucks up, chances are you can post his # and people here will make him miserable for a while.
I am sure the jokes will ensue after my next comment but my roommate is off Craigslist. He is clean, doesn't cause trouble, brought his own farm animals, loves throwing me bukakke parties, pays rent 5 days in advance, sometimes.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
lol.. He keeps to himself, watches tv in living room for about 2 hours after work then goes to his room/sleeps and dont see him until next day. He is gone on the weekends too so thats good.
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
I am sure the jokes will ensue after my next comment but my roommate is off Craigslist. He is clean, doesn't cause trouble, pays rent 5 days in advance, sometimes. I travel a lot, was gone for a week last month and had no issues. I am going on about 4 months.
There are definitely crazies out there, but do your research, invite them over, talk to them, do background checks, etc.. I put a clause in my contract that if you are crazy and we don't "click", you are out. I don't word it like that of course but I usually put something in there to cover my ass.
Besides that he turns the dishwasher on for 1 plate and a fork, I have no complaints.
How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?
On a side note, you would be surprised at a lot of responses you get. You can tell who is worth spending time on and who's not. I had a chiropracter wanting to move in for a few months until they get their practice up and running. I had a scuba instructor, and an IT engineer that works at Bell Helicopter.
A friend of a good friend of yours. This has worked out for me 4 times already. I think why it works so well is that I own my house and can afford everything myself. But I used the extra money to pay off school and credit cards (almost done). To keep things simple I just charged a flat $500-550 for everything, no contracts just move in and if I don't like you get the fuck out. As of now I have a chick (met through a friend) renting a room from me that walks around half naked that does the dishes and folds my clothes on occasion. I would rather live alone but I got to meet a lot of new people, make new friends and got a lot of things paid off in a short amount of time.
A friend of a good friend of yours. This has worked out for me 4 times already. I think why it works so well is that I own my house and can afford everything myself. But I used the extra money to pay off school and credit cards (almost done). To keep things simple I just charged a flat $500-550 for everything, no contracts just move in and if I don't like you get the fuck out. As of now I have a chick (met through a friend) renting a room from me that walks around half naked that does the dishes and folds my clothes on occasion. I would rather live alone but I got to meet a lot of new people, make new friends and got a lot of things paid off in a short amount of time.
pics ?
Originally posted by Nash B.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.