I have been selling some odds and ends on craigslist, I have a single new 33" BF Goodrich tire up for a while, I had actually forgotten about, anyways, some guy sent me an email asking how much I want for it shipped to Philadelphia. Normally I would just delete it as a scammer, except he actually gave a phone number, google shows the number is from the Philly area and the name on the phone search leads to a business which matches matches the name on the email.
But my question is, why would someone want to buy a tire off craigslist and ship it half way across the country? Especially a heavy 33" tire?
Also, do people actually send money to strangers half way across the country for craigslist-ed shit?
But my question is, why would someone want to buy a tire off craigslist and ship it half way across the country? Especially a heavy 33" tire?
Also, do people actually send money to strangers half way across the country for craigslist-ed shit?