just rain here in grand prairie with the occastional clap of thunder. It was suppost to be worse from what I read on the NWS. They had us under the moderate risk for bad weather but I guess it didn't get as bad as it was expected to get. I think at the most we got pea size hail
Los Angeles Rams 11-5
Last Game - Loss vs. San Fransisco
Up Next - vs. Atlanta
It's raining pretty hard down here in waco, but i doubt I'll get hit with anything. I did shoe-horn the truck into the shop though. That was a a tight fit.
Fucking rain here in Irving is keeping me up. I thought this shit was supposed to end Wednesday, not carry into Thursday.
Its been lightning and thundering since around 11pm off and on here in Red Oak....my dog is doing her normal thing pacing, panting, and acting scared every time she can hear/feel the thunder. We had a light shower earlier but it looks like we might get a pretty good shower here shortly. We need it.