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Cops Beat Man ‘Resisting’ Arrest…Only to Find He’s in Diabetic Shock

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  • Cops Beat Man ‘Resisting’ Arrest…Only to Find He’s in Diabetic Shock

    It may be reasonable for police officers to assume that someone weaving through lanes and driving erratically at 4 a.m. could be intoxicated. This is just what Nevada law enforcement assumed when they pulled over Adam Greene, forced him out of his vehicle when he wouldn’t move and beat him until his body would submit to allowing them to put on handcuffs.

    Nevada Man in a State of Diabetic Shock Receives Settlement After Being Beaten by Officers

    Nevada Man in a State of Diabetic Shock Receives Settlement After Being Beaten by Officers

    But Greene, of Henderson, Nev., wasn’t intoxicated. He was in diabetic shock, a condition that results from low blood sugar.

    The Las Vegas Review-Journal explains officers believed Greene to be resisting arrest, so they put their knees into his back to yank his arms upward, cracking one of his ribs in the process, and kicked him in the face. Officers from both the Henderson Police Department and Nevada Highway Patrol were present, although it is reported that state troopers did not beat Greene.

    Watch the video footage of the event that took place on Oct. 29, 2010, but was released on Tuesday after a settlement for Greene was reached (Warning: graphic language and images):

    The Review-Journal reports that Greene received a total settlement of $292,500 from the Henderson City Council and the state yesterday.

    After receiving blows to the body and head, officers searched Greene, found insulin and put two and two together:

    “Call in medical,” one officer says in the video. “We found some insulin in his pocket. … He’s semiconscious.”

    “Let’s get medical out here. He’s a diabetic, he’s probably in shock,” the officer later tells dispatch.

    Greene’s lawsuit said officers then forced him to stand by a patrol car in handcuffs and blow into a Breathalyzer, despite being injured. Paramedics later arrived and treated him for low blood sugar.

    Greene was released without a citation, and officers apologized to him for “beating him up,” the lawsuit said.

    The Review-Journal reports that cases such as Greene’s are not as uncommon as you may think. A representative for legal council for the American Diabetes Association is reported as saying that diabetic shock is often mistaken for intoxication:

    “You need police to be trained in what to look for,” [Alan] Yatvin, [who is also a Philadelphia lawyer] said. “The problem is, there’s no authority over all police departments. Every department has its own procedures, and states have different rules and training regimens.”


    The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes wear a bracelet indicating their condition, but “police still have to look,” Yatvin said.

    The Review-Journal also points out that this isn’t the first notable case in Nevada where a medical condition assumed to be intoxication resulted in harm to the subject. In fact, it was deadly in case of Ryan Rich in 2008 from Las Vegas. Rich, who suffered seizures, was tasered five times and killed after police caught up with him after he crashed into two vehicles on the interstate.

    With such an incident in the Henderson area, the police department has reportedly revised its protocol for use-of-force methods.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Shit like this makes all people lose respect for cops. The cop that repeatedly kicked him in the face should get assault charges brought up on him.



    • #3
      Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
      Shit like this makes all people lose respect for cops. The cop that repeatedly kicked him in the face should get assault charges brought up on him.

      I agree, but won't happen. That uniform means he's not held to the same assault laws we are and if you defend against it, you get resisting arrest and assault to an officer
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        Las Vegas again? Surprise, Surprise. At least they didn't shoot him.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
          Las Vegas again? Surprise, Surprise. At least they didn't shoot him.
          I'm sure they get sick and tired of messing with drunks day in and day out. But!!! It's the job they signed up for. If they can't control themselves... ADIOS!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            I agree, but won't happen. That uniform means he's not held to the same assault laws we are and if you defend against it, you get resisting arrest and assault to an officer
            Not true dude. I expect him to get in serious trouble. Nowhere in our use of force continuum does it allow kicks to face - outside of deadly force situations.
            Karussell White - 2010 Genesis Coupe R-Spec 6MT 2.0T -


            • #7
              Originally posted by Osiris View Post
              Not true dude. I expect him to get in serious trouble. Nowhere in our use of force continuum does it allow kicks to face - outside of deadly force situations.
              Take another look at Vegas's reputation for good shootings and Police violence.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Osiris View Post
                Not true dude. I expect him to get in serious trouble. Nowhere in our use of force continuum does it allow kicks to face - outside of deadly force situations.
                Luis, we all know that the police are not held to the same standards as the general public. You guys can pretty much do as you damned well please and not a damned thing happens, most of the time, when shit like this happens.


                • #9
                  wow that's pretty bad


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Osiris View Post
                    Not true dude. I expect him to get in serious trouble. Nowhere in our use of force continuum does it allow kicks to face - outside of deadly force situations.
                    Problem is, police are not held to the same standard we are. If a cop kicks you in the face, he gets time off and you have to defend yourself because he's going to say it was appropriate.

                    If you kick a cop in the face, you go to jail, do not pass go and there's nothing you can say that will justify it.

                    Equal protection under the law
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #11
                      Thats really fucking bullshit...
                      Originally posted by Silverback
                      Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                      • #12
                        This same thing (minus excessive violence) happened a long time ago on Cops. They were in Dallas and pulled a guy over for suspected drunk driving just northeast of Deep Ellum. They jerked his ass out of the car, threw him on the ground and cuffed him only to discover he was in diabetic shock. You could tell almost immediately that they felt bad for doing it, but the symptoms of shock look so similar to being wasted drunk that it's difficult to tell in the heat of the moment. All of that said, the LEO was totally in the wrong for kicking the shite out of him.


                        • #13
                          Most severe diabetics are told to wear a special bracelet that is supposed to be a signal in instances like these. That being said it is completely unacceptable to kick someone in the face cop or no cop unless the guy has a weapon of some sort.
                          "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                          • #14
                            Why was the dude speeding weaving through lanes at 4am?
                            Did i just read that wrong?
                            Is Being in diabetic shock not like a seizure?


                            • #15
                              oh and whoever he had representing him didn't get him enough that figure sounds low in comparison to the other wrongfully beaten cases that have been posted before.

