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Who has had Lasik?

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  • #91
    Nice. My eyes seem to be almost the same now. Drove for the first time in the dark this morning. Wasn't too bad, but I kept thinking my windshield was dirty with the glare. I've been told that'll eventually clear up.


    • #92
      Wife and I both did ours in 2004 with Tylock. They adjusted my wifes scrip for monovision but I wasnt a candidate because when tested, I didn't favor either eye. Monovision is where they shape one eye lens for closeup and one for distance, like bifocals. Its ideal if you want to avoid reading glasses.

      I had been wearing dual coke-bottle lens glasses since third grade. Mine was done before a live audience during one of their orientation nights. They walked me out in front of the audience after the surgery and asked me what time the clock on the wall was showing. Was impressed that I could see immediately post op.

      I did have to go back for one touch up and the REAL kicker for me was them re-peeling the flap back. They had what looked like a dentists pick to do this. Made me a little nervous. All good now and I would do it again.

      With the advancements made I wonder how those people are doing that opted in for the first gen treatment? Over 20 years ago the radial keratotomy procedure involved taking an exacto knife like tool and cut spoke-like slits in the cornea and the resulting scar tissue helped form the new optic. Sounds pretty crude by todays standards.....
      Handyman, classic car and antique jukebox collector/restorer, and all around good guy.



      • #93
        Originally posted by miketyler View Post
        With the advancements made I wonder how those people are doing that opted in for the first gen treatment? Over 20 years ago the radial keratotomy procedure involved taking an exacto knife like tool and cut spoke-like slits in the cornea and the resulting scar tissue helped form the new optic. Sounds pretty crude by todays standards.....
        The father of a friend of mine had this done, I want to say in the 80's and his vision now is far worse than it was before the procedure. I think what he had done was something regarding having the corneas completely removed and reshaped with some sort of high rpm spinning mechanism.


        • #94
          Originally posted by miketyler View Post
          With the advancements made I wonder how those people are doing that opted in for the first gen treatment? Over 20 years ago the radial keratotomy procedure involved taking an exacto knife like tool and cut spoke-like slits in the cornea and the resulting scar tissue helped form the new optic. Sounds pretty crude by todays standards.....
          I had RK in like 93. Got the video. looked like they took a pizza cutter and sliced it from the end to the center like 8 slices. My vision was good but it has deteriorated somewhat. Now that I'm over 40, my ability to see things like text on the phone is starting to suck.


          • #95
            this is my 3rd day post lasik. vision is great.

            i do get a bit of starburst driving at night but nothing horrible. hopefully that goes away soon.

            the only complication so far, i did have to wake up twice last night because my eyes felt dry. put some drops in and went back to sleep. hopefully that doesnt happen again, could get annoying.
            ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


            • #96
              Originally posted by momo View Post
              this is my 3rd day post lasik. vision is great.

              i do get a bit of starburst driving at night but nothing horrible. hopefully that goes away soon.

              the only complication so far, i did have to wake up twice last night because my eyes felt dry. put some drops in and went back to sleep. hopefully that doesnt happen again, could get annoying.
              Refresh makes a gel eye drop that is specific for night time use. You might check it out.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums View Post
                Refresh makes a gel eye drop that is specific for night time use. You might check it out.
                cool, i'm going to drink more water today and see if that happens again. if it does i'll be buying that shit.
                ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                • #98
                  Originally posted by momo View Post
                  this is my 3rd day post lasik. vision is great.

                  i do get a bit of starburst driving at night but nothing horrible. hopefully that goes away soon.

                  the only complication so far, i did have to wake up twice last night because my eyes felt dry. put some drops in and went back to sleep. hopefully that doesnt happen again, could get annoying.
                  You wearing those annoying ass clear goggles when you sleep?

                  I couldn't sleep for shit the first night I had them on, but was too paranoid to take them off. Now it's not so bad. I can just see myself getting to the point of not being able to sleep without them...


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                    You wearing those annoying ass clear goggles when you sleep?

                    I couldn't sleep for shit the first night I had them on, but was too paranoid to take them off. Now it's not so bad. I can just see myself getting to the point of not being able to sleep without them...
                    i did the first two nights.
                    ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                    • Comment

                      • Sorry to bring back this thread, but just went through enrollment at work and put aside $2050 for Lasik. I didn't want to pull out any more than that, any extra I need to pay I will pay out of my savings account.

                        I'm doing Boothe I think, any ideas on cost for Lasik? I have an astigmatism in my right eye, and am extremely near sighted...what have you guys paid (general ballpark $$) for Lasik. Would I be considered a "custom" case?


                        • Mine was $3000 from Klieman

                          Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
                          2015 F250 Platinum


                          • Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                            Sorry to bring back this thread, but just went through enrollment at work and put aside $2050 for Lasik. I didn't want to pull out any more than that, any extra I need to pay I will pay out of my savings account.

                            I'm doing Boothe I think, any ideas on cost for Lasik? I have an astigmatism in my right eye, and am extremely near sighted...what have you guys paid (general ballpark $$) for Lasik. Would I be considered a "custom" case?
                            Here is what I did (through Tylock). I went in before benefits open enrollement was due for the year, towards the end of the year, and got the exam and price estimate. Then set up an FSA for that amount. At the time, my company just issued a debit card for the FSA account, and 100% was available as of January 1. So around mid January I went in and got the surgery done and paid with the FSA debit card. Easy-peesy, interest free loan, and pre-tax dollars. Perfect.

                            I had to get PRK in one eye, due to having glaucoma, so that eye was cheaper. I think I paid like $2500 total back in 2005. Great sight ever-since.


                            • Originally posted by Chili View Post
                              Here is what I did (through Tylock). I went in before benefits open enrollement was due for the year, towards the end of the year, and got the exam and price estimate. Then set up an FSA for that amount. At the time, my company just issued a debit card for the FSA account, and 100% was available as of January 1. So around mid January I went in and got the surgery done and paid with the FSA debit card. Easy-peesy, interest free loan, and pre-tax dollars. Perfect.

                              I had to get PRK in one eye, due to having glaucoma, so that eye was cheaper. I think I paid like $2500 total back in 2005. Great sight ever-since.
                              If I were a smurt guy, I would have done this. But alas, I delayed and never set up an appointment. I know it's going to be more than $2050, but my paycheck was starting to shrink too much. Seems like I have a choice between Boothe, Tylock and K&E...can I do appointments at all three and price war them?


                              • Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                                If I were a smurt guy, I would have done this. But alas, I delayed and never set up an appointment. I know it's going to be more than $2050, but my paycheck was starting to shrink too much. Seems like I have a choice between Boothe, Tylock and K&E...can I do appointments at all three and price war them?
                                Sure, why not?

                                I have been really happy with Tylock but I think someone on here said they heard some negative. I know that when I did mine, I had several people tell me to avoid Booth due to some issues friends or family members had.. Ultimately I would put all three at about equal from what I have heard. So if I were doing it again I would probably base it on price and how my "experience" was in their evaluation.

