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Who has had Lasik?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by billybob81 View Post
    I remember seeing a few posts on the "other" site about Lasik surgery. I have finally decided to have it, but wanted some input from those who have. I have heard some horror stories, as with any surgery, but I feel the benefits outweigh the risks. One common problem I have heard about is glare when driving at night. I have heard that "custom lasik" can help cut down on the amount of glare, if any, but I am not sure if it's a necessity. My optometrist said he would not recommend Kleiman/Evangalista in Arlington due to poor post-op care, especially if there are any complications. He did recommend Dr. Boothe, Dr. Carter, and Dr. Bowman. So, what Dr. did you use, any complications, and are you happy with it? Thanks in advance!
    I used Dr Booth - don't. It's a cattle call, post opp appointments are a nightmare. He fired someone during my surgery, is a total dick and my vision is still not 20/20. Know there are side effects you cannot know about until after its done, like dry eye and 1 surgery doesn't always fix everything. I've had 3 and a cell removal (side effect) on my right eye and it still sucks. I'd use keywhitman if I had to do it over, but LASIK was the worst decision I've ever made. I think my story is rare though...


    • #62
      I ended up going to 3 different Doctors and was told by all of them that I was not a good candidate for Lasik. They told me that my corneal thickness was on the line of being too thin and they didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery. There is a different procedure called ICL(intra-ocular contact lens) that is essentially a permanent contact placed behind the cornea. It was about $8k, but I was not a candidate for that either because the ICL lenses start at a stronger prescription than I need. Oh well, maybe there will be some advancements in the future.


      • #63
        Originally posted by billybob81 View Post
        I ended up going to 3 different Doctors and was told by all of them that I was not a good candidate for Lasik. They told me that my corneal thickness was on the line of being too thin and they didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery.
        Not that I would suggest this (so painful) but after my second surgery, they couldn't do lasik on my right eye because my it was to thin to "lift" anymore. So they had to do PRK. They basically do the surgery over the "flap" instead of under. It's also weird in the fact unlike lasik, your vision isnt automatically better. In fact it's 100x worse and progressively gets better over a 6 week period. The day after my surgery I was lik 20/200 in my right eye. While I wouldn't suggest it to anyone who could do lasik, but if you are dying to have your vision corrected and are willing to deal with the pain and bad vision for a while, it might be worth it to you in the end.


        • #64
          Originally posted by dville_gt's girl View Post
          Not that I would suggest this (so painful) but after my second surgery, they couldn't do lasik on my right eye because my it was to thin to "lift" anymore. So they had to do PRK. They basically do the surgery over the "flap" instead of under. It's also weird in the fact unlike lasik, your vision isnt automatically better. In fact it's 100x worse and progressively gets better over a 6 week period. The day after my surgery I was lik 20/200 in my right eye. While I wouldn't suggest it to anyone who could do lasik, but if you are dying to have your vision corrected and are willing to deal with the pain and bad vision for a while, it might be worth it to you in the end.
          They mentioned PRK to me as well. If I am not mistaken, that is the one where they basically use some type of eyedrop to thin the cornea instead of creating a flap. I was also told I was not a great candidate for that either, but they would be willing to "try" it. I said no thanks! I really would like to have it done, but I am NOT going to risk my eyes if I am on the border for it being successful. I will wait until the technology evolves some more, or just stick to glasses/contacts. Thanks for the info and your experiences.


          • #65
            My surgery went great this morning. But the ride home, my eyes were irritated and burning like a son a bitch. I couldn't barely look at the computer screen, or see any light they stung so bad.

            Now I can see perfect, after my eyes adjusted a little to light. Somewhat cloudy now, but it will wear off.

            The surgery was a little tense. Those pills didn't do much but make me a little sleepy. I kinda freaked when I could smell my eye burning from the laser. I also saw him flip the flap off and over, which was kinda cool.

            Now just drops every two hours, and a check up tomorrow. Best money ever spent. On the road to recovery, and I couldn't be happier.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Gaber View Post
              My surgery went great this morning. But the ride home, my eyes were irritated and burning like a son a bitch. I couldn't barely look at the computer screen, or see any light they stung so bad.

              Now I can see perfect, after my eyes adjusted a little to light. Somewhat cloudy now, but it will wear off.

              The surgery was a little tense. Those pills didn't do much but make me a little sleepy. I kinda freaked when I could smell my eye burning from the laser. I also saw him flip the flap off and over, which was kinda cool.

              Now just drops every two hours, and a check up tomorrow. Best money ever spent. On the road to recovery, and I couldn't be happier.
              glad to hear it man and i'm glad you posted.
              looking forward to it and i'm dreading it at the same time.
              ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


              • #67
                best thing i have ever done its really worth it


                • #68
                  Just for reference, I have several sample 1ml boxes of Zylet left, just in case anyone needs. Just one small 5ml bottle can run you $160.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Gaber View Post
                    Just for reference, I have several sample 1ml boxes of Zylet left, just in case anyone needs. Just one small 5ml bottle can run you $160.
                    your eyes still working?
                    ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by momo View Post
                      your eyes still working?
                      I'd think they would be or his post would've looked more like "akal;ker;ua a;d;sfa aaar adsfiaspoavufnasddfasdl;kusr;lskfj; ad;flkjasdf..." don't you think?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                        I'd think they would be or his post would've looked more like "akal;ker;ua a;d;sfa aaar adsfiaspoavufnasddfasdl;kusr;lskfj; ad;flkjasdf..." don't you think?
                        i can type with my eyes closed pretty damn well... of course someone would have to navigate to the application first.
                        ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                        • #72
                          It was, I say it was a joke, son!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                            It was, I say it was a joke, son!
                            so he is blind! i knew it.
                            ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by momo View Post
                              your eyes still working?
                              Like a hawk. My last appointment, confirmed 20/20. It's awesome.


                              • #75
                                My appt. is on the 3rd. Not real excited about it...

