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Who has had Lasik?

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  • Who has had Lasik?

    I remember seeing a few posts on the "other" site about Lasik surgery. I have finally decided to have it, but wanted some input from those who have. I have heard some horror stories, as with any surgery, but I feel the benefits outweigh the risks. One common problem I have heard about is glare when driving at night. I have heard that "custom lasik" can help cut down on the amount of glare, if any, but I am not sure if it's a necessity. My optometrist said he would not recommend Kleiman/Evangalista in Arlington due to poor post-op care, especially if there are any complications. He did recommend Dr. Boothe, Dr. Carter, and Dr. Bowman. So, what Dr. did you use, any complications, and are you happy with it? Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Carter, 10 years, no glare and still perfect vision. Almost the best ten minutes of my life. LOL
    Whos your Daddy?


    • #3
      Originally posted by billybob81 View Post
      My optometrist said he would not recommend Kleiman/Evangalista in Arlington due to poor post-op care, especially if there are any complications.
      LOL I dunno about all that. I think you get better care there then the other two he recommended. They treated me very well and will not hesitate to see you if you have issues.

      I think the better thought is to go somewhere that will get it right the first time so you don't have to worry about the complications.


      • #4
        Had it done about 5 years ago, no issues except some pain during the first day or so while healing. Doc was through my vision insurance in Denton, Will see if I can find the Doctors name.
        Best money I ever spent.


        • #5
          I had it done in it and zero issues.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
            LOL I dunno about all that. I think you get better care there then the other two he recommended. They treated me very well and will not hesitate to see you if you have issues.

            I think the better thought is to go somewhere that will get it right the first time so you don't have to worry about the complications.
            Had mine done by the same place last year with zero problems.
            2015 F250 Platinum


            • #7
              I went to kleiman and fucking hands down best money I have EVER spent.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
                LOL I dunno about all that. I think you get better care there then the other two he recommended. They treated me very well and will not hesitate to see you if you have issues.

                I think the better thought is to go somewhere that will get it right the first time so you don't have to worry about the complications.
                That is what I thought too, but he said one of the Docs, can't remember which one, did not seem to care much about patients after surgery. My optometrist personally knew two people who had issues with K/E. They both needed some minor corrections done after the surgery, but they were put off by the Dr. for quite some time before the issue was resolved. He did say that several of his other patients have used K/E with zero problems. I guess I should go visit them for myself and not base my decision solely on my Dr.'s recommendation.

                Originally posted by Mopar63 View Post
                Had it done about 5 years ago, no issues except some pain during the first day or so while healing. Doc was through my vision insurance in Denton, Will see if I can find the Doctors name.
                Best money I ever spent.
                Cool, Thanks!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by billybob81 View Post
                  I remember seeing a few posts on the "other" site about Lasik surgery. I have finally decided to have it, but wanted some input from those who have. I have heard some horror stories, as with any surgery, but I feel the benefits outweigh the risks. One common problem I have heard about is glare when driving at night. I have heard that "custom lasik" can help cut down on the amount of glare, if any, but I am not sure if it's a necessity. My optometrist said he would not recommend Kleiman/Evangalista in Arlington due to poor post-op care, especially if there are any complications. He did recommend Dr. Boothe, Dr. Carter, and Dr. Bowman. So, what Dr. did you use, any complications, and are you happy with it? Thanks in advance!
                  Ive had great aftercare at k&e I have had to had each each retouched and it was completely free except my $50 normal eye exam all the pre and post op exams were free and I recently had to have an epi removal which is when some cells grow under the flap and they lift the flap and remove the cells. All free. I've been under the laser 4x and no hassle with getting any retouches.
                  BARBIE LOVES BULLITT991 3.17.07
                  I'm a Barbie girl...In my Barbie world...
                  PROUD OWNER: '04 AZURE BLUE MACH 1


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Barbie View Post
                    Ive had great aftercare at k&e I have had to had each each retouched and it was completely free except my $50 normal eye exam all the pre and post op exams were free and I recently had to have an epi removal which is when some cells grow under the flap and they lift the flap and remove the cells. All free. I've been under the laser 4x and no hassle with getting any retouches.
                    Thanks for the input! I am going to schedule an appointment with K/E tomorrow. I am only about 3-4 miles from them, so it would be much more convenient to have it done there. But then again, when it comes to messing with my eyes, I am not going to take any shortcuts. I would gladly pay more or drive further to get the best service/care.


                    • #11
                      I did it in 2002 and am still good to go.

                      Thanks Dr. Boothe


                      • #12
                        Seven years ago, Dr. Tylock did the procedure. It was one of the best things that I ever did. I need reading glasses, but life is good not being a "four eye" anymore!


                        • #13
                          My mother in law had Lasik and experienced significant improvement with a short recovery period. Pick a good eye surgeon.


                          • #14
                            how much does it usually cost to get a good doctor to do it?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
                              how much does it usually cost to get a good doctor to do it?
                              Anywhere between $1,500 - $2,000. Depends on where you go and who you see. Having a good insurance policy is the key.

