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dealing with family after a death

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  • dealing with family after a death

    How the hell do you deal with a selfish entitled family member (not immediate) after a loved one passes?

    My mom passed fairly recently, we were extremely close and now I have her side of the family (not all of them) constantly sending me fucked up emails and facebook messages.
    I blocked all the wackos on facebook and reported what I can, but this situation is fucking me up (worse than I already am). They even started a "hate page" about my dad. Even though we have hard proof of libel, my dad just wants it to end and doesn't want to go to court.

    ps: Please don't make me regret posting anything personal, I know how this goes sometimes and I never do this. I just know some damn smart people on here and need some advice.

  • #2
    That's very sorry to hear about. Some people just can't help showing their backsides.

    A good start would be to not open any emails from them and block them off your facebook. Take the high road if you can. You will be glad later on that you did.


    • #3
      sorry for your loss, and it sucks that some people are like that


      • #4
        Seems like a bit of ass kicking might be in order. Sorry to hear about your mother. I don't look forward to that day with mine and I don't see how anybody deals with that shit.
        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


        • #5
          I have no idea how they keep getting my info, they've been blocked for a while.

          And I'd love to kick some ass or go 4chan on them.

          Fucking douchebag cunts!

          But majority of them live 4k miles away.


          • #6
            I did email my aunt back to clarify some things though, lol.
            Pretty hardcore!


            • #7
              To start, I am sorry for your loss... Second,you seem to be on the right track. Fuck the haters.
              2005 M3 Vert with TSW rims
              2001 Dodge Dakota R/T C/H/I, gears, exhaust, and 125 shot of nos
              2012 Ford Edge


              • #8
                I don't have any real experience with the 'after' but with my Dad's cancer we've had to face some really shitty circumstances. He has set is will up so hopefully there won't be a lot of fighting but I hear money and sorrow make people crazy.

                If I may ask, is it possessions or $$ they are mad about? When asked what I 'wanted' I couldn't really name more than a few specific pieces but I knew I wanted all his pre-2nd marriage pictures/memororabilia.

                I’m too slow for the fast cars and too fast for the slow cars.


                • #9
                  Phil, I've been wanting to go to Canada for a while and beat the shit out of people. Also if you want in a PM what exactly they saying? I know you told me a few months back, but I don't remember everything.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the condolences. I'm pretty ok with everything generally, but this shit keeps rehashing some pretty strong emotions. I already have a really bad temper I'm trying to get under control..........some of you have first hand knowledge.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by aCid View Post
                      Phil, I've been wanting to go to Canada for a while and beat the shit out of people. Also if you want in a PM what exactly they saying? I know you told me a few months back, but I don't remember everything.
                      Going out on a limb, but I'll post it anyways.

                      From aunt:
                      Marilee xxxx

                      How come none of you will tell us where Twilah's remains are? It is very upsetting, especially to Grampa. She wanted us to have all the pictures by the way. How could you do this after the way you treated her before she died?

                      Please let us know.

                      My reply:
                      Phillip D Isaacs

                      They are at the house, as per her wishes, until the internment (I heard them from her mouth). Why the fuck are you contacting me about this. I all ready lost my mom, holy shit you're selfish, you you you. All we (not dad, I don't share all his views on this) wanted was for your side of the family to comfort us, not attack the only parent left. What the fuck would you have done for us if my dad wasn't there? take us in? The only Richardsons that deserve any attention from the three of us are Tom and Jann and the cousins.
                      You are just a shitty person, attacking people when they are down, good for you! How hard do you think it was for us?
                      I have to go to a fucking therapist and I can only imagine how it was for mom with the stress you provided. By the way, the page/blog you started was defamatory! As in libel, but you know that, lucky for you nobody pursued it.

                      Apparently you never knew your sister, she was the so called, man of the household, she ran everything. Do you think she would have let my dad stop you from seeing her if she wanted to see you, let him "abuse” her ( that claim was the most hurtful, there was a nurse there almost 24-7 and it wasn't Pat) or stop her from doing anything? Give me a fucking break. She told me, myself, WITH HER OWN MOUTH about you and Grandpa.
                      Hell, you guys did the exact same shit when Holly died (You were an absentee in her life before that, and you talked shit about her every chance you got, she used to cry about it) and when Nann died, same thing. I WANT THIS I WANT THAT?????? WTF?????

                      Passing judgment when YOU were never here to see or hear her wishes first hand. I'm sure that you are going to tell the rest about this and spin it in your favor, but I don't give a fuck. No problem here forwarding this message to everyone. I never plan to see you or your immediate family again.

                      Don't think for a minute that I am on my dad’s side or that he has brain washed me, you both fucked up, you just fucked up way more. Thanks for being there for the kids,
                      in our time of need. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself! Just because you're unhappy, doesn't mean you need to drag others down with you. Why have a death grip on your youth when you're already a big kid?

                      Fuck you very much.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by halo/horns View Post
                        I don't have any real experience with the 'after' but with my Dad's cancer we've had to face some really shitty circumstances. He has set is will up so hopefully there won't be a lot of fighting but I hear money and sorrow make people crazy.

                        If I may ask, is it possessions or $$ they are mad about? When asked what I 'wanted' I couldn't really name more than a few specific pieces but I knew I wanted all his pre-2nd marriage pictures/memororabilia.
                        Family pictures, jewelry, pretty much all her stuff. Fucked up thing, is that they did this when my grandma and my other aunt died.


                        • #13
                          Damn bro! Want to grab a few beers tonight? I'm sorry but I was pissed the whole way through that tid bit until the end. " Fuck You Very Much!" ROFL!!!


                          • #14
                            Seems that it happens all the time. A family friend passed a couple of years ago and there was "fine print" that if anyone listed in the will tried to contest or complained they would only get $1.00! A sister that was to get 50 acres of land in Oklahoma, the mineral rights to all the wells and the income from the cell phone tower on the land. Well she decided that "this share" was not enough. Once the sister contacted a lawyer. Her lawyer got a copy of the will and had to call her to inform her that she just lost everything that was willed to her and was now only entitled to $1.00!! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to hear her reaction. Not to mention the look on her face...


                            • #15
                              Ignore them, give them nothing and the incentive to harass you will go away. Sorry to hear about your mom

