I was at my local Majestic the other night browsing for specials and noticed things looked a bit different but couldn't quite put my finger on it. I cruise on to the bourbon section and notice they are completely out of Knob Creek 750ml and Jim Beam white label 1.75ml. They both had Crown Card special tags in front of them, but they were flipped around backwards. Knob Creek was on sale for $24.95 which is a damn good price. I chalked up the short inventory to the items being on sale and kept on browsing. As I moved on I noticed that the shelves were curiously neat, but not stocked very deep.
The next night I stop by a different location to try and grab some Knob Creek at the sale price and they are out too. Their store looks normal, but it's also a brand new location.
Tonight, I stop by yet a different location to find it in even more sparing condition than the first and again, out of Knob Creek. I grab something else, head to the counter and ask the guy what's up with the KC and he hesitates to tell me that they owe some vendors a lot of money and have essentially been cut off, which explains a lot of the sparsely stocked shelves neatly arranged to "appear" that everything is normal.
It's gonna suck if they go under. They've already closed one location by my place and the other is just a stone's throw away. I've always liked them and it's been quite convenient doing business there. I can understand the other end of it though as well. People don't pay me, I cut them off.
The next night I stop by a different location to try and grab some Knob Creek at the sale price and they are out too. Their store looks normal, but it's also a brand new location.
Tonight, I stop by yet a different location to find it in even more sparing condition than the first and again, out of Knob Creek. I grab something else, head to the counter and ask the guy what's up with the KC and he hesitates to tell me that they owe some vendors a lot of money and have essentially been cut off, which explains a lot of the sparsely stocked shelves neatly arranged to "appear" that everything is normal.
It's gonna suck if they go under. They've already closed one location by my place and the other is just a stone's throw away. I've always liked them and it's been quite convenient doing business there. I can understand the other end of it though as well. People don't pay me, I cut them off.