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So apparently people with DWI's are the scum of the earth.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
    While I admit I did make a mistake I was pulled over for a headlight being out. Literally went out the day I was pulled over. Went to a party after 10pm, noticed it was out on the way. On the way home, I was pulled over for it. Officer asked if I had been drinking and I told him a little bit and after doing the field sobriety, was arrested (even though the courts didn't use that against me) confident that I would pass since I hadn't really drank that much, maybe 4 or 5 beers over a few hours, when the officer asked for breath or blood I agreed to a breath test. It was a little over .08. According to my lawyer, if I wouldn't have blown, he would've had no problem getting it dismissed. I thought I was lucky getting literally just a fine ($1000) and of course I have to pay another $1000 each year for 3 years to maintain my license. I didn't know it would've affected a job search this much being a class B misdemeanor.

    There was a link posted awhile back stating the Texas will be dropping the surcharge program sometime around the new year.. And something about giving amnesty to people that still had outstanding surcharges.. I don't know how far you are into yours but may be worth looking into.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Mike View Post
      It's almost like he was an alias or something.....



      • #33
        Originally posted by Mike View Post
        It's almost like he was an alias or something.....
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Mike View Post
          It's almost like he was an alias or something.....
          Ha that would make more sense. I never found out what the joke was.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
            In Before All Of The Self - Rightous Assholes

            god bless.
            Damn. I was rushing to the end of the thread hoping you hadn't decoded it yet. I knew it as soon as I saw it.


            • #36
              Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
              The office is going to be in The Woodlands. They cant seem to tell me what the relocation package is until they decide when my position is going. Actually they can't seem to tell me shit. Not sure i want to continue to work for a company like that, no matter what the money is. May not have a choice though if i don't find another job soon.

              Anyways, the job market sucks if you have a clean record or not. Good luck man.
              The Woodlands isnt bad. My sister lives in Magnolia and I think it is a nice area.
              2015 F250 Platinum


              • #37
                Originally posted by Raskal View Post
                There was a link posted awhile back stating the Texas will be dropping the surcharge program sometime around the new year.. And something about giving amnesty to people that still had outstanding surcharges.. I don't know how far you are into yours but may be worth looking into.
                I don't know that DWI surcharges were included in that. That was more for the No insurance surcharge, speeding surcharges, etc. What a fucking racket that whole deal was. I thought the mafia was illegal....

                Poopnut - I've only been denied one job in 10 years, and it was a Corporation. I've had 3 employers over the last decade, and all were well aware of what happened. Try your luck with smaller, private companies. I remember reading a few weeks ago that you were going back to Five Star. Any dealership is going to have a problem with it, for insurance reasons. As will any other job that provides auto insurance for you while on the clock (driving jobs, etc). You're probably going to have to eliminate any jobs where insurance is going to be an issue. May not be what you want to do, but work is work, and in this economy, any work is good work.
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
                  The office is going to be in The Woodlands. They cant seem to tell me what the relocation package is until they decide when my position is going. Actually they can't seem to tell me shit. Not sure i want to continue to work for a company like that, no matter what the money is. May not have a choice though if i don't find another job soon.

                  Anyways, the job market sucks if you have a clean record or not. Good luck man.
                  Tough situation for sure and if you truly are miserable then...
                  Point being, if you have a stable job, stick with it until the end.
                  Once you find something closer to where you are more comfortable then
                  leave. Good luck and god bless.
                  Last edited by 564826; 12-13-2010, 04:35 PM.


                  • #39
                    They don't play on those DWI charges.

                    I have to report a dwi charge to the state board of nursing, even if I'm no longer working in that capacity. They have a whole list of stuff you must do on top of everything that goes along with the legal end of stuff.

                    I know a guy who got one while employed as a RN and the state board made him attend AA meetings and a whole mess of other stuff.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
                      So I've been looking for a job for a while now, and unless you wanna work fast food it seems that if you have a DWI, you're fucked. I got one over a year and a half ago, convicted late last year. Mind you, there is differed adjudication and you can be issued an order of non-disclosure (won't show up on background check) for kidnapping and assault. But not for a DWI. You're literally fucked for 5 years for some places and up to 10 years for others.
                      Yup... DWI sucks. I got an assault charge when I was 17 years old that's kept me from ever having a place in my name. Takes up to 7 years before they will even consider you, I'm 22 now. Luckily I have a great job otherwise I'd be shit out of luck.


                      • #41
                        Sounds like you're better off being a crack addict.
                        Originally posted by MR EDD
                        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                          I wonder if he lurks this board like he did the other.

                          That dude never posted, but if you said his name in a post. He showed up.
                          Originally posted by Silverback
                          Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                            Sounds like you're better off being a crack addict.
                            Ya, there's always a market for someone with dick-sucking skills.


                            • #44
                              Oh fyi my cousin has a furniture/moving company if your interested? It's in lewisville.


                              • #45
                                Yep. No offense to you at all, but I pretty much don't even look at Aps with a conviction on them, unless it's something funny and I want to read it. Too many other people out there that at least haven't gotten CAUGHT doing something stupid. It's imperfect, but it's how things go.

