I got it when I was 21 or 22. I was in the Army down at Ft Hood. When the Doctor found out I lived in Ft Worth, he gave me nine days of medical leave and said he better not see me anywhere near post until the nine days were up. That shit sucked ass!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
George Orwell
You can get a blood test to see if you're immune to them or not. It's easier to get them the younger you are. You can get them twice, but *typically* the second time isn't nearly as bad.
I had them in 2nd grade after a girl in my class came to school with them, because her Mom figured it would be okay if the whole class got them...... I remember lots of oatmeal baths and my mom swatting my hands when I scratched.
It's generally the older crowd that has the smallpox vaccination, but you'll find a lot of younger guys that got it before deploying to a combat zone and some first responders