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tar lines on east grand

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  • tar lines on east grand

    i saw some city workers or maybe contractors adding lines of tar across and along east grand in between la vista and winslow in east dallas. i thought it was just to fill the cracks but it seems like they were intentionally making lines or stripes across each lane and in between & along the lane dividing stripes. i know that stretch of road like the back of my hand and i know there were a lot of spaces that had no cracks but got tar stripes anyways. what are they there for?

    my only guess is the strips of tar will help with traction when it's raining. cause in the past few months i know of 2 major accidents that have happened on that stretch(one i know for sure had a fatality, the other looked like it might have as well). if you are unaware of the road i am talking about it's a 3 lane wide road with a few long sweeping turns and hills. it has a speed limit of 40 but since it runs along side the golf course people tend to haul ass through there at up to and over 60mph

    just curious if anyone else noticed it

  • #2
    I was hoping you meant tan lines.


    • #3

      someone has had to have worked in street construction before and can tell me if i am right or not


      • #4
        I thought the tar lines and shit were just to fill in the cracks and shit.


        • #5
          Its a conspiricy to spend the excess tax dollars from last year so we can qualify for more this year...

          < joking
          Originally posted by Sean88gt
          You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
          Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
          You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


          • #6
            Rumble strip? Like adding the little mini-city-titties to chatter the wheels as they drive over it?


            • #7
              I've never heard of them adding tar to increase traction, if anything i would think that tar would make it more slick versus pavement/concrete.


              • #8
                VHT works better for traction.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jedi View Post
                  Rumble strip? Like adding the little mini-city-titties to chatter the wheels as they drive over it?
                  i also thought that, but after a few days of traffic over it you can't really feel them anymore


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
                    I've never heard of them adding tar to increase traction, if anything i would think that tar would make it more slick versus pavement/concrete.
                    the pavement/concrete on that strip of east grand is pretty old. and really slick when wet


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                      the pavement/concrete on that strip of east grand is pretty old. and really slick when wet
                      That's what she said!


                      • #12
                        I work for txdot and watched the crack seal guys before... They Probly just covering up small cracks. When your walking the lanes by foot you'd be surprised what cracks you see when you don't while driving.

                        That or they just wasting material. Has nothing to do with traction or rumble strips..
                        In summer that shit just gets gooey


                        • #13
                          ^could be cracks, good point about seeing them better when walking

                          but some(if not half) seemed to be evenly spaced apart and almost going straight across. if they are all cracks i hope that tar seals them up! potholes on that strip of street would suck!


                          • #14
                            Probly cracks... Some cities/ contractors go over board with the crack seal. Also depending on how old, how the asphalt was put down, what grade it is plays a part. Also if it's close to a stop or signal light old asphalt can tend to push

