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I'm employed again.....

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  • I'm employed again.....

    After being unemployed for almost 8 months, I have received an offer from a company that manufactures and supplies mail sorting equipment to a sector in the mail processing world as the "Pre Sort" world. Companies that mail millions of mail pieces every day do not want to pay the normal postage rate, so they use Pre Sort facilities to do an initial level of sortation that groups the mail according to zone or zip code. That mail is then trucked to that particular zone or city, and when it arrives at the corresponding post office, it only needs to make a couple of final passes on the machine that will Delivery Point Sequence the pieces-- they are literally pulled of the machine and put in trays that wind up in the carrier trucks and are in the order of occurrence on that particular street. Since the Post Office only has to handle the mail twice, instead of multiple trips in and out of various facilities at the originating and destination facilities, there is a cost savings given by the Post Office to the Pre Sort facility, and in turn passed along to the customer. Some customers, like AMEX and Netflix have machines on their site property such that they generate statements, stuff the envelopes, sort the mail pieces down to the proper city or zone, and it is then picked up and shipped to the Bulk Mail Center of that particular city. So at pennies per mail piece, the savings adds for the customer, and the Pre Sort facility makes a few cents per mail piece. It adds up - and everyone wins! BTW this company is called NPI.... and they makes some pretty cool equipment.

    Click on these links to see:

    NPI has been designing automated letter & parcel sorters for over 45 years. We set the standard for affordable and high speed sorting systems.

    At any rate, the company is called NPI and my position will be of Technical Engineer, Trainer,Field Rep, Technical Support, etc., The company makes a pretty impressive line of equipment, and of course anything electromechanical with lots of high tech gadgetry is right up my alley.. I absolutely cannot wait to start! Never again will I take a job for granted. They are extremely hard to come by - even just getting to the interview process. This was only the 2nd interview during all this time. It seems resumes get sent out into cyberspace and then POOF! It disappears for ever. Luckily the manager that hired me is a friend of mine that used to work at SIemens.
    I begin my employment on Monday 19th of March.... the facility is a short drive to North Arlington and my hours are flexible - come in between 7 and 9 AM, and work my 8 hours accordingly. I landed a good salary and am looking forward to having a steady pay day one again. I was grateful for Unemployment benefits, but they were not enough to support my monthly bills, and I have been raiding the piggy bank pretty hard just to stay afloat.

    I am pretty stoked about to say the least.I'll keep ya posted on my progress. There will be some travel, but I will be based locally. There are customers in Chili, Canada, and Mexico.... so it's entirely possible I could go to one of those places from time to time.

    So I'm stoked and looking forward to that first real paycheck. And, once I get into a few of those under my belt, I can justify some expenditures on my car and get it finished..

    NOTE: I sent this to my family originally, hence the great detail that might be detail and long windedness..... But usually that's my style anyway..... so my apologies !

  • #2
    Did I mention I was stoked? LOL......


    • #3
      I hope I'm not looking for 8 months


      • #4
        Some of those machines look exactly like the ones in USPS sort facilities. Congratulations man!


        • #5


          • #6
            Go out and buy a new car!!!!!!!!
            Originally posted by Nash B.
            Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


            • #7


              • #8
                Congrats man!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                  Some of those machines look exactly like the ones in USPS sort facilities. Congratulations man!
                  Yep, I mentioned that to the guy whose's going to be my boss, and he made the analogy that there are only so many ways you can design and build a car, they're all going to have 4 wheels, a set of doors, a power train configuration, hood, and trunk...

                  Likewise with automation machines, if you're going to build a high volume machine with multi levels of destination pockets, you're always going to have a feeder, an OCR camera that looks at the address and a printer that sprays a barcode, then another camera that verifies the barcode, makes a decision on a destination pocket, then routes it first to the correct tier (lowest, middle, upper, top), then once on the correct tier, it winds up in a pocket by means of a diverter that will intercept the mailpiece and steer it to the final pocket.

                  So, it's only natural that they would look similar... but after looking very closely at the architecture of the power and logic circuits, alot of the power distribution throughout the machine follows closely to the stuff I used to see at Siemens.

                  Should be relatively easy to grab the schematics and trace my way through the new family of machines and get a handle on it soon enough.,


                  • #10
                    Damn 8 months is a long time!!! Congrats dude.

                    Isn't there a large NCR workforce in this area too? Did you try them in your search?


                    • #11


                      • #12


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wicked98Snake View Post
                            Go out and buy a new car!!!!!!!!
                            Originally posted by davbrucas
                            I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                            Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                            You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                            • #15
                              Alright dude. Been a bum long enough!! Slacker! J/p congrats man.
                              Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

                              Pro-Touring Build

