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No thread about the motorcyclist shot by DPS trooper?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
    So you're saying the rider exhibited Deadly Conduct. Seems like the officer was correct in drawing his weapon in Texas too. Thanks for proving me right!
    "recklessly engages in conduct that places another in imminent danger of serious bodily injury."
    No you retard.

    Where was the imminent danger on the riders part? There was none. At no point did I see a out of control motorcycle. I did see a man jump out of a unmarked car with a gun causing a situation that provided a opportunity for imminent danger of bodily injury to not only the rider but to bystanders.

    Use some common sense.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
      Use some common sense.


      • #33
        Like you've never broken a law on a public road. Please.

        Even if the mfer did run, that doesn't justify pulling a gun and acting like billy bad ass with a badge. Reminds me of a night riding through bartonville at 1am on a back road, the big bad ass chief of police didn't like us doing 10 over so he made sure to stop us and thump his chest and make it known that this was his town and by god he was going to do whatever he wanted with us. My grandfather was a cop for twenty years and even he had no problem saying FTP when it came to most of these new robocops.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Magnus View Post
          Also, no assault was committed. So, again, you're wrong.
          Forgive me for assuming you understood the legal definition of assault in Texas. My fault for not dumbing it down for you.

          Did 5.0svo steal your screen name?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post

            Where was the imminent danger on the riders part?
            I'm sure there are several who see doing a 130mph wheelie in highway traffic as the part.
            I think he knowingly put others at risk with his actions.

            But continue on, and defend the rider brethren!

            (and yes, i've broken the law too, and would not be bitching about a cop pulling his gun on me for the highway runs i've done. I fucking deserved it.)


            • #36
              Originally posted by Magnus View Post
              I'm sure there are several who see doing a 130mph wheelie in highway traffic as the part.
              I think he knowingly put others at risk with his actions.

              But continue on, and defend the rider brethren!

              (and yes, i've broken the law too, and would not be bitching about a cop pulling his gun on me for the highway runs i've done. I fucking deserved it.)
              Has nothing with me defending riders, everything to do with a overzealous officers actions.

              Again, there was no imminent danger when the rider was doing 130 or doing a wheelie.

              I am done trying to talk to someone with the IQ of a rock, it's like trying to drive in snow with lead shoes on.


              • #37
                Really? I guess I got lucky the last time i was stopped for more than doubling the speed limit, 4am in little elm no less. No gun drawn, not even a hand on it as he approached. I saw him, knew I was fucked so I stopped as soon as I could and waited. We had a nice chat and after he ran my license he told me to slow it down and get to work. Not even a written warning. Breaking a law doesn't justify instant badassery and felony stop procedure.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                  I always wondered what the rest of that video looked like. Rider got what he deserved.
                  Originally posted by DrGoogle View Post
                  Bull shit. Bull fucking shit. Youve got to be a bold mother fucker getting out of your vehicle in civilian clothes with a gun drawn, and not IMMEDIATELY announcing yourself as law enforcement. He sure did walk up to him, and put his hands on the riders bike before saying "state police"
                  DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                  • #39
                    Sounds like magnus is the dumb.
                    DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                    • #40
                      In the state of Texas and I'm sure in most others...CHL or not...if a handgun becomes visible for whatever reason (wind blows the shirt up, bending over to pick up something and it becomes visible, etc) the laws as currently written call it aggravated assault with a deadly weapon....the law doesn't say its ok for any OFF-DUTY or plain-clothes officer to violate the law unless he/she is protecting the life of himself or someone else being threatened. Cops must abide by the law too. Jumping out of his unmarked car with his BADGE clearly displayed in his hand would have instantly gotten the point across...but NO...billy baddass had to jump out with his Glock in his hand...with no flashing lights on his car or badge displayed. Suppose I raced a car down the freeway in my Trans Am, took an exit and then a random guy pulls up beside me at the stop sign...and jumps out with a gun in his hand? I'm thinking car jacking. There just MIGHT be a shootout...because I WILL draw my gun. Any motherfucker can run around screaming I'm a cop...and there have been numerous cases lately of guys driving around just Dallas alone impersonating a police officer robbing people, shooting at people, and raping women. That cop went WAY over the line by drawing his weapon and he SHOULD be charged appropriately for it.


                      • #41
                        At around the 3:00 mark, he checked his mirrors, then looked back. He saw the cop from the 1:06 mark in the middle lane giving chase.

                        He knew what situation he was in.
                        lol @ you guys.

                        If someone has a gun drawn, and you START to draw yours, you're already dead.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                          At around the 3:00 mark, he checked his mirrors, then looked back. He saw the cop from the 1:06 mark in the middle lane giving chase.

                          He knew what situation he was in.
                          lol @ you guys.

                          If someone has a gun drawn, and you START to draw yours, you're already dead.
                          From what I could see..the only thing he saw was someone chasing him in a black Impala.....if red and blue lights were flashing thats a different story..but I didn't see them. I maintain that if I exit the freeway and a NON-MARKED car screeches to a stop beside me and someone flies out with a gun in hand...its gonna be a bad situation whether its a cop or not. I watch the news and shit like that happens all the time in this crime filled country we live in...I don't trust anyone.

                          Edit...just watched it again in widescreen. He popped a quick wheelie after he changed lanes to a clear lane and passed a bus. He was going 67mph when he passed a stationary cop sitting in the median. Looks like something just about anyone on a sportbike has done at some point (myself included). When he stops at the stop sign a black unmarked Impala comes to a sudden stop, not behind him but directly beside him and a plain clothes man jumps out with a gun drawn and screams 3 times "get off the bike" over several seconds....before announcing State Police. He fucked up BIG TIME. He should have been screaming as loud as possible with badge in hand "POLICE!!!!" from the second he opened his door. The gun was NOT necessary. You defending the cops actions makes you a dumbass.
                          Last edited by ram57ta; 03-08-2012, 03:08 AM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
                            From what I could see..the only thing he saw was someone chasing him in a black Impala.....if red and blue lights were flashing thats a different story..but I didn't see them. I maintain that if I exit the freeway and a NON-MARKED car screeches to a stop beside me and someone flies out with a gun in hand...its gonna be a bad situation whether its a cop or not. I watch the news and shit like that happens all the time in this crime filled country we live in...I don't trust anyone.
                            You're right, because you'd be dead.
                            He'd have a gun drawn, you'd start to draw yours, he'd fire.
                            Way to be a bad ass!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                              Why wouldn't he? And what's the problem with him doing it? He didn't shoot the guy. What is the problem?
                              The problem with it is that he didn't immediately identify himself as an officer. Someone jumps out of an unmarked car with a gun drawn yelling to get off the motorcycle, I would assume road rage or carjacker. If that were me and I were armed, I would draw my own weapon, likely get shot all because the cop was pissed and came out with a weapon drawn.

                              I would have no problem had he gotten out of the car, said "State Police, get off the motorcycle". Not "get off the motorcycle, get off the motor cycle, get off the motorcycle, state police"


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                                You're right, because you'd be dead.
                                He'd have a gun drawn, you'd start to draw yours, he'd fire.
                                Way to be a bad ass!
                                Doubtful...prolly have some holes in my window as he dove for cover firing randomly toward the car....maybe I would be dead...maybe not...(I keep a 9mm with hollowpoints right beside me in my car normally and I'm a pretty good shot) on my bike I don't have the luxury of having a handgun that accessible, but eventually it would make it to court and assuming I had a camera recording the same situation just shown on the guys helmet cam...the cop would have been charged with attempted murder because he failed to announce himself as a police officer before drawing his weapon and creating a very bad situation in the first place. Last time I got stopped for speeding by a state trooper ON MY BIKE...with SEVERAL DFWstangs members present...the Trooper never drew his weapon. You would last about 1 week on a police force.
                                Last edited by ram57ta; 03-08-2012, 03:21 AM.

