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  • Originally posted by Superwho View Post
    I think a lot of the argument stems from this part of the post
    Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
    Which account for 3 sentences out of 50 plus, which she did not highlight, and which she very clearly stated was a direct copy and paste from elsewhere. But that is what several are focusing on, and seemingly arguing that point towards her.


    • Originally posted by Chili View Post
      Maybe I was reading too much into it, I just don't typically enter into a conversation with someone I'm cool with where I utterly demean the skill level required to do their job. A job that isn't simply a 9-5 gig that just pays the bills, but one that you have devoted the bulk of your adult life to because you feel so strongly about.

      I don't take issue at all with your comments regarding pay, or the teachers constantly demanding constant praise or respect because of their chosen profession. And fwiw, I doubt Leah really did either. Teachers here do make pretty good pay based on the basic qualifications for the job. I think $50k a year is a very reasonable salary, and had I chosen, or should I choose to become a teacher, I would be pretty satisfied. It was just that implication that "any monkey can do what you do", which kind of stings when from someone you have had over to your home.

      So if your only intent was to spark interesting or stimulating conversation, my bad bro.
      Well, I don't treat people differently who I know vs other people on the board. That would make me disingenuous. I'm pretty sure many of my friends here will agree that I don't play favorites. Me and Kyle got in all kinds of fights, and you can ask Mach1 about the shopping cart incident. I'm standing by my statement though that any person could teach if they wanted to, I'm not saying they would be good at it, but creating and following a lesson plan is not that difficult - I've done it - so I'm not just talking out of my ass - and I'm not talking about subbing either. It sounds like Leah is a really good teacher and working her way to the top ranks of educators. I want to again make it clear that Leah and I agree on the educator standpoint, and I'm not referring to her as I've said many times previously. "Any monkey can do you what do" is taking what I've said into a pretty ridiculous context. We're talking about people with degrees to start with, so clearly monkeys are out of the question. I admit I steered this thread to my agenda for sure, but don't confuse what I'm passionate about with Leah's profession. I absolutely positively abhor educators with a sense of grandeur and entitlement, it gets me going real quick and I won't apologize for that because I think a lot of people here feel the same way. Personally, I appreciate friends who know me and respect me that take the time to question something others might find uncomfortable. I hope you can see my intentions. Although I know Leah's intentions were not revolving around wanting more pay, but your intentions and other peoples perceptions are two different things. I don't think a conversation should sacrifice good discussion by ignoring the perception a post gets.
      Last edited by CJ; 03-09-2012, 09:19 PM.
      "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
      "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


      • Originally posted by Chili View Post
        Which account for 3 sentences out of 50 plus, which she did not highlight, and which she very clearly stated was a direct copy and paste from elsewhere. But that is what several are focusing on, and seemingly arguing that point towards her.
        Just stating my opinion on where the money talk came from, the post was a typical state the problem, followed by solutions "essay" pasted from elsewhere. It was obviously one of the original author's main points stated in conclusion. With no other explanation given, its hard not to come to that opinion. The final points seemed to be, more pay to keep better teachers, and better/equal distribution of funds per school district.

        Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
        Slow moving projects
        1964 C10 350/700r4
        1992 LX 5.0


        • Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
          Well, I don't treat people differently who I know vs other people on the board. That would make me disingenuous. I'm pretty sure many of my friends here will agree that I don't play favorites. Me and Kyle got in all kinds of fights, and you can ask Mach1 about the shopping cart incident. I'm standing by my statement though that any person could teach if they wanted to, I'm not saying they would be good at it, but creating and following a lesson plan is not that difficult - I've done it - so I'm not just talking out of my ass - and I'm not talking about subbing either. It sounds like Leah is a really good teacher and working her way to the top ranks of educators. I want to again make it clear that Leah and I agree on the educator standpoint, and I'm not referring to her as I've said many times previously. "Any monkey can do you what do" is taking what I've said into a pretty ridiculous context. We're talking about people with degrees to start with, so clearly monkeys are out of the question. I admit I steered this thread to my agenda for sure, but don't confuse what I'm passionate about with Leah's profession. I absolutely positively abhor educators with a sense of grandeur and entitlement, it gets me going real quick and I won't apologize for that because I think a lot of people here feel the same way. Personally, I appreciate friends who know me and respect me that take the time to question something others might find uncomfortable. I hope you can see my intentions. Although I know Leah's intentions were not revolving around wanting more pay, but your intentions and other peoples perceptions are two different things. I don't think a conversation should sacrifice good discussion by ignoring the perception a post gets.
          I appreciate the clarification. FWIW, I didn't take it personally or get upset about it-everyone is entitled to their opinion. That's what makes this country great.

          You, Don, Matt, Eric, Brent and many others we hang out with on a regular basis have the same stance you do-you keep it real at all times with all people. I appreciate and respect those kinds of people, which is why we like to hang out with them. I'm not down with two-faced people.

          I love the career path I have chosen and couldn't possibly think of doing anything else. I started working in the schools as an aid right out of high school and continued to work in various facets while getting my degree. It is my life, my passion and the only thing I want to do until I retire. I see so many people who loathe their job, can't stand having to go to work and are unhappy with what they're doing. I am lucky enough to not know how that feels.
          Token Split Tail

          Originally posted by slow99
 favorite female poster strikes again.
          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
          You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


          • Originally posted by Leah View Post
            WTF? I'm not bitching about my pay. Seriously?
            I take it you didn't see the white text? lol Sorry you didn't see the white text that said I WAS JOKING...

