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Hows Work Goin for Ya?

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  • #91
    Its good I guess. The worse the economy gets, the more I make. That is until this new company takes over, then we'll see.


    • #92
      My line of work is going great. Were getting bigger and bigger every year. My wife on the other hand is a 3rd grade teacher and found out her contract is not being renewed for the fall due to budget cutbacks. I always thought between the two of us that her career was more secure than mine but I guess not. The teaching field is tough right now. -Karson


      • #93
        It's hard out here for a pimp.


        • #94
          Originally posted by vadertt View Post
          You have no idea and I'm not going to bother explaining it to you. I never said that I need to be paid more, I do just fine. Although it would be nice. I have other ethical issues with the company right now.

          And when you say "other people" are you talking about my CEO who had to give up his g5 for a g4 during the t.a.r.p repayment issue.

          I'm amazed at the things you deduced from my post, lol.

          Fuck off.
          I'm talking about the REAL people that work their butt off for a living. Not a self entitled 1 % er who had to drop down to only a 30 million dollar aircraft and crys about it.


          • #95
            Originally posted by vadertt View Post
            Going steadily downhill! Profiting every quarter, but employees are the ones suffering!
            Do we work at the same place? Management is in the shitter. I enjoy going to work just to see what kind of trainwreck will happen next.


            • #96
              2011 was bad for Wall Street. Equity markets were shitty, our bonuses were shitty. We still did better than Wall Street as a whole, so I shouldn't complain.
              Originally posted by davbrucas
              I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

              Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

              You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


              • #97
                No work for me moving to Venezuela in 10 days. My wife's family has businesses there. Having witnessed socialism first hand. Be warned, USA is going down the same path, you will be living Venezuelan style here in the good old USofA.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by stang View Post
                  No work for me moving to Venezuela in 10 days. My wife's family has businesses there. Having witnessed socialism first hand. Be warned, USA is going down the same path, you will be living Venezuelan style here in the good old USofA.
                  And you're cool with this? I agree with you FWIW, my view is that is will be corporately driven and funded.


                  • #99
                    We're apparently pretty profitable. I hope we stay that way for a while.
                    ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                    • Originally posted by stang View Post
                      No work for me moving to Venezuela in 10 days. My wife's family has businesses there. Having witnessed socialism first hand. Be warned, USA is going down the same path, you will be living Venezuelan style here in the good old USofA.
                      Shiiiit... and you're okay with moving out there?

                      Stay safe brotha.


                      • Well too bad some of is can't be like the recent lotto winner that still wants to receive food stamps.


                        • March typically sucks for some reason. Been here a year as of today.


                          • Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
                            Losing our Airplanes, budget cuts, reduction in personal ect. Guess It's time to get off the goverment tit.
                            We are actually doing pretty well considering all of the cutbacks...looking to hire 50+ Systems Engineers in my group here pretty soon. They (BAE) pay well, but they are looking for VERY specific people.


                            • My main job is growing slowly but the $$$$$$$$ is flowing nicely with owners though.


                              • Originally posted by stang View Post
                                No work for me moving to Venezuela in 10 days. My wife's family has businesses there. Having witnessed socialism first hand. Be warned, USA is going down the same path, you will be living Venezuelan style here in the good old USofA.
                                So, you're heading back to socialism for work?

                                Do you mind elaborating on what your in laws do for a living? I would certainly like to be ahead of the curve for when my stable business gets sketchy.

                                A PM would be wonderful, but a social message will be fine as well.

