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Hows Work Goin for Ya?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by BigTitan21 View Post
    Can't complain at all. Pay is great and there is always plenty of work.

    Unfortunately my work is based on other folks' inconveniences/disasters. I work in Catastrophe management and we all know that tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wind, and hail will always be around.
    If you guys need roofers I have four excellent quality crews ready to go...


    • #47
      Originally posted by Z06killinsbf View Post
      Doing more with less. Government and military cutbacks are making things tight. Plus my manager isn't good managing his people. My job sucks but it's easy and pays well.
      I was worried about the same but since we haven't hired anyone new they've actually opened up more overtime for us. Hope it stays this way a while. And x2 for easy money and boring job.


      • #48
        We're an oilfield contractor so needless to say it is pretty damn busy around here.

        Originally posted by Lone Sailor View Post
        When isn't it doing good?
        The oilfield is feast or famine, you have to make your money while you can. 08-mid 09 was slow, but just talk to anyone who went through the 80's if you want to hear about not good.


        • #49
          Originally posted by vadertt View Post
          Going steadily downhill! Profiting every quarter, but employees are the ones suffering!
          BUT....BUT....How dare you want money out of the owners pocket!!! They EARNED that profit!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
            I was sent on permanent vacation.
            Sorry to hear that. Got any leads going on anything else?


            • #51
              Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
              BUT....BUT....How dare you want money out of the owners pocket!!! They EARNED that profit!
              says the 99%
              first class white trash


              • #52
                Originally posted by forbes View Post
                says the 99%
                Just pointed out the hypocrisy. He thinks he should be paid more because the company mmakes a profit but he's the first to complain about other people wanting more.


                • #53
                  I want to start my own business so I can work for myself....however lol, finding that "start-up" money is very hard
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt
                  You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                  Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                  You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vadertt View Post
                    ^ That's fucking weak dude!
                    You have no idea how much so. My department was running $1MM over goal for the fiscal year (started 12/1/11). Number were very strong but in the end that didn't mean a damn thing. Employees literally adored me BUT I had an issue with one, my warehouse manager. She was appointed by a VP to her position and was an abomination at it. Once appointed she came in at 9-10 everyday, took a 2 hour lunch and bolted by 4. I started putting a ton of pressure on her, she blew up on the VP that appointed her and I was instructed to demote her immediately. So the GM of our location and myself sat down with her to take her from her position, when she stood up, approached the GM and said "I have everything documented for a lawsuit, do you?" At that point, if he would have had a tail, it would have been covered in piss and shit due to his grotesque non-confrontational style.

                    At this point we began discussions with HR to have her removed. Our VP of HR (the Hitleresque figure that bounced me) came down to talk to her and 2 things happened, 1) The Warehouse manager pulled the "They are targeting me because I am a woman and because I'm a bull-lesbian" and 2) the VP of HR decided to put her in leadership training because she hadn't been given the skills to effectively complete her job.

                    So control was essentially ripped from my hands. I had deadlines to meet on a complete warehouse revamp - roughly 20,000 sq ft and ~$6MM in inventory, by 3/1. So I assembled a team and went apeshit trying to complete it and ended up finishing the project by 2/26. This included all new racking, layout, product placement, etc to which the warehouse manager wasn't a part of one bit, she opted out. All the while, telling the VP'o'HR (which kind of sounds like viper....hmmmmm) a sob story of a woman that was being cut out of a man's world and it was hard for her to embrace life when penis power was keeping her in a box (which I thought was her lifestyle choice?).

                    So fast forward to Monday. She sends me a list of job duties - crafted by the mind of a full on man-hater with a full male staff that was punitive, dictatorial, implied immediate failure of the employees and was supremely condescending. I send comments to my GM addressing that as well as a BCC to my HR rep. She fired back a caged response that was copy and pasted from HR monthly and I had a sinking feeling upon reading it. Next thing I know, the ViPHeR is on her way down, which is always a terminal thing. My GM is freaking out because he has been on the hotseat, I have a gut feeling it is to address me and everyone else is nervous as well. One point of note - last week, the GM and ViPHeR suggested 3rd party mediation to address the contentious situation between the WH Mgr, myself and the other 20 people in the department. So I also had that in mind when she called me in.

                    I walk into the office she is in and am told to pack my shit, get home and wait for the end of her investigation, this was at 2:30pm. Shocked, I ask her wtf is going on and am told I violated a company policy on improper conduct by a manager and given no other information. So I grab my stuff and head out. Get home, and at 3:32pm, the in depth investigation was over. She calls me up and starts rattling off some blatantly false allegations that I vehemently denied. At the end of the conversation I was told I was let go for essentially being me, being approachable and having honest conversations with my employees. They searched employee personal phones and used text messages, as well as statements by employees to oust me.

                    I was also told by the ViPHeR that I was too much small company and not enough big corporation to work for them. To which I told her, if sacrificing who I am and destroying my individually to be a corporate shill is what you look for in a leader than I am absolutely in the wrong place and you absolutely have a twisted perception of what is needed in a leader. Then I was given the "you are not to set foot on company property or have any contact with our employees as they both belong to us" and the call ended.

                    Will I miss the job or the company? No friggen way. The only thing I'll miss are a few of my co-workers and the paycheck (for now). The 75+ hr weeks, impossible deadlines, HR's constant involvement and corrupted corporate culture with BS values I will not miss, at all. I knew my time would be short lived after my first week, but I had hoped I would have made it at least a year and left on my terms, not theirs. But ultimately, I am very happy to be gone and feel a huge amount of stress lifted off of my shoulders.

                    Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
                    Goddamn dude, sorry to hear that.
                    I was, then I wasn't.

                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    Damn dude. Sorry to hear that!
                    Don't be. I get to spend time with my family for a bit. This was never intended to be my final resting place, I just needed to get some money ahead before I returned to school. My JD will have to continue to wait, but I am trying to get into a master's program this summer.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Gtracer View Post
                      I want to start my own business so I can work for myself....however lol, finding that "start-up" money is very hard
                      I just need about $50 million if any of you guys find that in the cushions of your couch.

                      Contractors are doing well all over the country. Things are picking up because so many people have left the business in the last few years. Now demand for their work is coming back and supply is short. Where I work we own buildings all over the country and hear this story every day.
                      Originally posted by racrguy
                      What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                      Originally posted by racrguy
                      Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                      • #56
                        Well. At least now you've got more time to post on here. Best of luck Sean.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          Well. At least now you've got more time to post on here. Best of luck Sean.
                          Gratefully, in the 7 months I was there I saved up roughly 3.5 months of salary at 100% living. I've already began cutting expenses, so we shall see what happens.


                          • #58
                            Busy as hell, but facing some almost impossible goals for the year. Under a ton of pressure. But, I still love my job.
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • #59
                              No complaints here.... got fired from my last job back in May 2011 and was given about 3 weeks severance...found another job 8 days later with a 46% pay increase!

                              So far it's going well but I really wish I could break off into the networking side of IT.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                                No complaints here.... got fired from my last job back in May 2011 and was given about 3 weeks severance...found another job 8 days later with a 46% pay increase!

                                So far it's going well but I really wish I could break off into the networking side of IT.
                                Go for that
                                Originally posted by Sean88gt
                                You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                                Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                                You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.

