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Pull out your tin foil hats - Fort Worth Cellphone Tracker Rings Controversy

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  • Pull out your tin foil hats - Fort Worth Cellphone Tracker Rings Controversy

    Fort Worth is taking heat over the city's recent decision to buy a cellphone tracking system.

    A city memo describing the system's use sounds to some like police will track people's cellphones without first getting a warrant.

    "The police department will use the KingFish System, a portable cellphone tracking system, to assist in locating, identifying, developing probable cause and apprehending priority offenders," the memo said.

    The "developing probable cause" phrasing caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union. Police need to obtain a search warrant first, the organization said.

    "Having a neutral party like a judge review and sign a warrant is the safeguard for individual privacy rights that prevents the police from simply using whatever tools are at their disposal to peek at, observe, watch or invade the privacy of folks at will," said Lisa Graybill, ACLU legal director.

    But Fort Worth police say the description was misleading. The department always intended to obtain a search warrant before tracking someone, police said.

    The department also said that if an arrest came from tracking someone, the district attorney, defense attorneys and a judge would all review the case.

    "I think we're following Chief Halstead's lead," Mayor Betsy Price said. "He's the expert on this, as well as our legal department, and they are telling us this is an excellent technology that will help save lives in Fort Worth."

    The City Council didn't discuss the issue before voting to give the police department $184,000 to buy the system.

    The city said the system was fully investigated by city departments, including its attorney.

    Councilman Sal Espino said the proposal was presented in a way that didn't raise any red flags and that he would look for better wording in the future.

    The cellphone tracking system item was bundled with other city business on what is called the "consent agenda," a way to streamline city business. A single vote from the City Council can approve numerous items at once.

    Even though the KingFish cellphone tracking system was on the consent agenda, the public can comment on any item on the agenda, said city spokesman Jason Lamers.

    There were no comments from the public or the council, he said

  • #2
    Lmao, the feds have been doing this for ages. Remember all the hype about your iphone tracking/recording you? Yea, it's not just iphones. All phones are required to be remotely able to turned on, tracked, etc.
    Full time ninja editor.


    • #3
      Originally posted by majorownage View Post
      Lmao, the feds have been doing this for ages. Remember all the hype about your iphone tracking/recording you? Yea, it's not just iphones. All phones are required to be remotely able to turned on, tracked, etc.
      Credible source?
      "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


      • #4
        Originally posted by helosailor View Post
        Credible source?
        2001 FCC guidelines
        Full time ninja editor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by helosailor View Post
          Credible source?
          Mehh, he's actually right. As well as having the capability to have the microphone turned on, even with the phone in the off position.

          And this is just the stuff we know about! I heard they (the phones) were even able to unlock the front door for the freakin' cops!!!!The second "paragraph" is total bullshit...

          Oh yeah, repost! 8)


          • #6
            In this day and age, you should just assume it is happening.

            This does not mean I support these things, but you have to be realistic with the way things are going overall. Just like chats being logged and shared, etc.
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • #7
              I'm not sure how infowars/prison planet is not a credible source. Drudge thinks it is, and he has the biggest influence on agenda setting of any news source.
              Full time ninja editor.


              • #8
                I don't doubt that phones have the ability to be turned on remotely. What I want is where, specifically, that it says ALL phones are REQUIRED to be able to be turned on, tracked, etc.
                Link to official policy?
                "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                • #9
                  Everything will be fine. Cops don't ever goof around with their toys....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                    Credible source?
                    I know a lot of people have a bone to pick with majorownage, but he's correct. I consider myself to be fairly proficient in historical cell phone data plotting, but when I went to a class put on by secret service, it made my head hurt. Have a cell phone? They can track it.

