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  • #61
    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
    CNN's Don Lemmon has proclaimed that it doesn't matter if he deserted his post. What matters is he's an American and he's home safe and we should be glad.
    That guy is a douche bag!!

    The guy is a deserter that we lost 6 good men over and now traded 5 Taliban Terrorists for....WTF was Obama thinking or smoking. I hope he gets railed for this, even the liberal Dems are seperating themselves from the Obama stench!


    • #62
      Reports today are he renounced his citizenship in the same letter he left saying he was going into the mountains.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #63
        How funny will it be if they send him back to his old unit? He is a SGT now and hell in a year will be a SSG. He has troops to lead.

        beaten to death first day
        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • #64
          You just made me twitch, good job.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #65
            Looks like his squad is setting the record straight about what a piece of shit he is.


            The last interview is of the parents of kne of the soldiers who died during the search for him in 2009.

            I retract my first post in this thread. When I said it was worth it, I assumed he was worth saving. It was a failure of imagination to not think a soldier would willingly go to the other side.


            • #66
              Originally posted by sc281 View Post
              Looks like his squad is setting the record straight about what a piece of shit he is.


              The last interview is of the parents of kne of the soldiers who died during the search for him in 2009.

              I retract my first post in this thread. When I said it was worth it, I assumed he was worth saving. It was a failure of imagination to not think a soldier would willingly go to the other side.
              Even dems are backing away
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #67
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                Even dems are backing away
                It's fucking fast and furious, but with terrorists. Imagine the shitstorm when the first American deaths are confirmed to be by the hand or order of one of them.

                Bush would've been impeached in a fucking heartbeat.


                • #68
                  Silver lining: I'm sure Benedict Arnold would be happy at the prospect of military traitors being call Bowe Bergdahl's from here on.
                  Last edited by sc281; 06-04-2014, 11:50 AM. Reason: bob is the dad....


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                    Silver lining: I'm sure Benedict Arnold would be happy at the prospect of military traitors being call Bob Bergdahl's from here on.
                    hehehe, Benedict Arnold was quite a guy before he became a traitor, highly regarded. He captured Ft. Ticonderoga. But, like Bergdahl, he felt wronged by being passed over by promotions.
                    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                    • #70
                      Wag the Dog too hard and see what it gets. Where is that list of incompetence and scandals for this administration? With this new one, will it even fit in one post?
                      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                      • #71


                        • #72

                          This guy was on Bergdahl's fire team. Read all the tweets he put out in the last couple days about the entire situation.


                          • #73
                            Duffelblog knocks it out of the park.



                            • #74
                              Ask a Deserter is a semi-regular advice column where you can get advice from the very worst of the military.

                              Ask A Deserter
                              Advice Column: Ask a Deserter
                              Drew Ferrol
                              May 17, 2013
                              Ask A Deserter
                              1 Comment

                              Ask a Deserter is a semi-regular advice column where you can get advice from the very worst of the military. Here you can get any of your questions about turning into a pathetic coward and ruining your life answered from someone who has done it before.

                              “Thug life” decided the military wasn’t for him after being separated from his family for the entirety of Air Force boot camp. He spends his days begging for change on the side of the road. His life has never been better.

                              They say it’s hard to get a job without an honorable discharge. Is that true?

                              Oh no, it’s real easy. McDonalds doesn’t do any background checks until you move up to cashier. After they fire you, move on to Burger King or Taco Bell. Once you run out of options you can always join the French Foreign Legion like I did. I’m shipping out in a month, I’m going to see Africa!

                              My Chief yelled at me for sleeping through muster. What should I do?

                              You shouldn’t put up with that, it’s blatant abuse. Don’t show up to work for at least a week. That’ll show them. If you get caught you can just tell your CO what your Chief said and you’ll be off the hook.

                              Which college will take more transfer credit, University of Havana or Zimbabwe College?

                              Don’t even worry about college man, you’re an American. You go to any country in the world and you’ll be like a genius over there. Just go over there and speak English and they’ll hire you as a professor in a heartbeat.

                              I have a TS/SCI clearance and access to nuclear launch codes. If I go AWOL will they look for me?

                              Oh no, don’t worry about it. If someone runs they just wait until you get pulled over for speeding or something. They’ll find someone to replace you. Sell those codes to the Russians, they’ll pay bank.

                              If I go AWOL do I get to keep my clearance? I have a great contracting job lined up after I get out.

                              I have a better idea. Tell the company you want out and they’ll pay you to smoke weed. It happened to my friend. He was out in three months with a dishonorable discharge and making six figures the next day.

                              I am eighteen, blonde, DD, and a believer in making love, not war. I admire your beliefs and convictions to stand up for what is right. Would you like to meet? I prefer public areas with few exits and a clear line of fire.

                              I’d love to. What’s your number? [Editor’s note: Thug Life included a picture of his penis. Editorial removed the image. It was very small.]
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                              • #75

                                Taliban Once Claimed Bergdahl Trained Members Of The Taliban
                                5:56 PM 06/03/2014
                                Hannah Bleau

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                                The Taliban once claimed that recently released U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was teaching terrorists how to build bombs.

                                In 2010, a Taliban commander, Haji Nadeem, told The Daily Mail that Bergdahl spent time training members of the Taliban, showing them how to make bombs and conduct surprise attacks.

                                The commander also said some of his men were deeply skeptical of Bergdahl’s cooperation and motives. “Most of the skills he taught us we already knew,” Nadeem told The Daily Mail. “Some of my comrades think he’s pretending to be a Muslim to save himself so they wouldn’t behead him.”

                                Along with allegedly converting to Islam, Bergdahl was given the Muslim name “Abdullah.”

                                “This war isn’t worth the waste of human life that has cost both Afghanistan and the U.S. It’s not worth the amount of lives that have been wasted in prisons, Guantanamo Bay, Bagram, all those places where we are keeping prisoners,” Bergdahl said in a hostage video released in April.

                                Fox News reported Tuesday (but U.S. military officials have not yet confirmed) that Bergdahl left a letter before he was captured, saying he wanted to renounce his American citizenship.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

