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Yesterday got two citations on my way home from work...experts inside

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  • Yesterday got two citations on my way home from work...experts inside

    Okay, heading northbound on 161 just north of 635 and I see a DPS vehicle on the right shoulder, lights on, car pulled over. I'm in the far right lane and traffic is very heavy. As I get within 1/4 mile of the DPS vehicle, I see the trooper walk towards his car and get in. At this point, I'm at 50mph (speed limit is 70) and I'm trying to get over to the middle lane, but traffic is not letting me in.

    I pass the DPS vehicle (more than 5 seconds after trooper got in vehicle and closed door, so he's safe) at no more than 50mph with two wheels in the middle lane, but jerk in middle lane isn't letting me in. So, about 1-1.5 seconds after I pass the trooper's Crown Vic, I move fully back into right lane and roll probably 2/3 throttle in my Vette from 2nd or 3rd gear and quickly get back up to 70ish. I had the stock exhaust valves open, so car is fairly loud and the DPS trooper clearly heard me.

    I exit Beltline (less than a mile down the road) and DPS comes SCREAMING up on my butt at the light at Luna/Beltline and flips his siren on for 5 seconds, lights on. Light goes green and I immediately pull to shoulder and he jumps out and gets my license/CHL/proof of insurance. Asks if I have a gun, I say yes, he takes my bag with the gun out of my car and drops the clip and clears the chamber and lays my gun in the grass on the shoulder.

    Story is already too long, but he wrote me up for:

    1. Passing a stationary emergency vehicle
    2. No front plate

    I know the law (prior defensive driving ), so I knew I had to either move over or drop at least 20mph below posted speed limit. I tried to move over and definitely dropped below 50mph. Also, I thought the no front plate law was on the ropes because the TX legislature screwed up last session?

    Anyway, cop was a jerk and I confirmed with him that he had video which I then said I would use for the jury trial to prove I didn't violate the law.

    I think I can get out of both citations based on current license plate law and the fact I didn't violate the statute on passing the police vehicle which the video will prove. Thoughts?

  • #2
    To my knowledge you're OK on the passing a stationary emergency vehicle citation, don't know about the front plate citation. The officer, based on your story, seems to have gotten his feathers ruffled.


    • #3
      Vette=citation...thought you knew that


      • #4
        Oh yeah.....

        You're bad luck,

        you came across one HUGE asshole COP.....

        2 of the biggest bullshit tickets ever.....
        "Lookin' back in front of me in the mirror's a grin,
        through eyes of love I see I'm really lookin' at a friend
        We've all had our problems that's the way life is,
        my heart goes out to others who are there to make amends".


        • #5


          • #6
            before signing should have said "Officer, before I sign these citations, may I ask a question that I feel may be relevant for my defense?" and then hit him with the "U mad bro?"

            That way even if it went to trial (which it won't) and you lost, you'd still win just for having that played in court.


            • #7
              typical sports car cop bs hire a lawyer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                before signing should have said "Officer, before I sign these citations, may I ask a question that I feel may be relevant for my defense?" and then hit him with the "U mad bro?"

                That way even if it went to trial (which it won't) and you lost, you'd still win just for having that played in court.
                I just spittled all over my laptop screen fucker...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                  before signing should have said "Officer, before I sign these citations, may I ask a question that I feel may be relevant for my defense?" and then hit him with the "U mad bro?"

                  That way even if it went to trial (which it won't) and you lost, you'd still win just for having that played in court.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by appelingogt View Post
                    Vette=citation...thought you knew that
                    I had a C6 for 2 1/2 years and only got pulled over 1 time and got 3 warnings

                    Mustangs on the other hand are a whole different story, I've never been pulled over by DPS in a mustang without receiving a citation or two.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
                      I had a C6 for 2 1/2 years and only got pulled over 1 time and got 3 warnings

                      Mustangs on the other hand are a whole different story, I've never been pulled over by DPS in a mustang without receiving a citation or two.

                      I've gotten out of at least a dozen citations in Mustangs, from contest of speed, illegal display of acceleration, speeding, just by being respectful and/or making the cop laugh.


                      • #12
                        Quit driving a Corvette asshole

                        I've been pulled over numerous times in my Trans Am....solely because it was a Trans Am with a nice sounding exhaust. One was for a frame around the rear license plate (even though he passed me going the opposite direction at night on a dimly lit road...didn't even mention that I had no front plate which should have been the first thing he ticket), once because I didn't turn on my turn signal to exit the freeway...from a dedicated exit ramp lane by a DPS trooper who then told me the car sounded good (give me a fucking break), no ticket again. I've had one ticket in it since I bought it in 97'..for expired registration when I moved to Austin.

                        (edit)..I forgot I did get pulled over by a DPS trooper leaving the motorplex on 287 in 99' while trying to catch a friend in front of me....he told me he clocked me doing 120 (I saw him just as he crested a hill coming the opposite direction...I didn't wait for him to chase me down..I just pulled over and waited for him to pull up). After a lecture...(I think he felt bad for me because my jaw was broken and wired up), he wrote me up for 80 in a 60 so I could take defensive driving...and thanked me for not making him chase me down.)
                        Last edited by ram57ta; 02-24-2012, 05:13 PM.


                        • #13
                          Nice one, Cooter!

                          Look, I've gotten more than my share of tickets and have been guilty 99% of the time, mostly speeding citations. This was clearly an issue of me getting on the throttle of a newer Corvette within earshot of a pissed off cop and him catching up to me to "teach me a lesson." The problem is, both citations are complete BS and the facts will prove it.

                          I'll be asking about the process of requesting copies of the video and audio of my "blowing by the cop" and the traffic stop when I call the court next week.


                          • #14
                            But... but.... I thought having a CHL automatically got you out of a ticket?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GE View Post
                              But... but.... I thought having a CHL automatically got you out of a ticket?
                              In the 12+ years I've had a CHL, I think it's helped me a few times when CHL's were more rare, but lately, the cop doesn't seem to care one way or another. This DPS trooper clearly had his panties in a wad and wanted to piss me off by pulling my bag out of the car and clearing my gun in front of me. In addition to the Glock, my bag also had my iPad, work keys, a $250 Target gift card, etc., so I was little pissed he took it out of the car.

