Yes, Jared-It's decent. Their heff microbrew is great! They have amazing breakfast super cheap, too (huge portions). Like eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits and gravy for $4.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
Why would I submit to a weakass sobriety test from Corky when we safely made it from Aria to Harrah's, on foot, while drunk and playing stripper card poker.
In which she won.
Oh, I'm still winning at coherent posts.
Maybe I should make another whisky drink before we watch this movie and wait on room service.
Why would I submit to a weakass sobriety test from Corky when we safely made it from Aria to Harrah's, on foot, while drunk and playing stripper card poker.
In which she won.
Oh, I'm still winning at coherent posts.
Maybe I should make another whisky drink before we watch this movie and wait on room service.
I completely hated this place until wr went to the old strip last night. It has much more charm than the new strip, but Vegas will never be my ideal vacation spot. I prefer sand and waves.
The new strip used to have more appeal to it as well about 15 years ago. Now it's like a jam packed casino mall.
I concur though, the old strip is much nicer and more laid back. There are some older venues on the new strip though. One of them has cheaper beer and pretty good hot dogs. It's some place that has a a lease for like a 100 years or something. Just get bottled beers though, cause it ain't that sanitary.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
BTW, he CHEATED at hooker card poker, and I STILL won.
Steel blue eyes, creeper smile, and the ability to get what I want is not cheating. I also started halfway through the 'competition' and missed the win by 5 cards.
Hitting old Vegas tonight. Hit $100 on a slot machine last night. We're down about $200 total, so far. Gonna play some roulette today. I'm already half-drunk already, just drinking in the room. About to go see what Ellis Island has to offer in the way of grub.