I bought her a four pronged hook to go on the back of our closet door. It seems to have helped.
Oh, and the mother of all stupid shit. She leaves her wet bath towels everywhere. Hanging off a chair, hanging off the bed post, laying on the floor. EVERYWHERE
I bought her a four pronged hook to go on the back of our closet door. It seems to have helped.
Oh, and the mother of all stupid shit. She leaves her wet bath towels everywhere. Hanging off a chair, hanging off the bed post, laying on the floor. EVERYWHERE
Mine are actually all over our doorknobs in our bedroom. lol
Ewww-wet towels are gross! Our boys will just leave them on the floor in the bathroom and I can't stand it. Grrrrrr.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99
Lmao...my favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
Besides not putting the car in gear when parking on our sloped driveway behind my other car? The keys thing really gets on my nerves. I Hung up a little key hook rack by the front door 5 years ago when when we moved in. She refuses to hang them there and they all end up in her purse. I hate digging through there for keys.
Puts full trash bags on front doorstep instead of another 40 ft to the can. When showering, she sticks whatever hair falls out to the shower wall and leaves it. Does not know how to throw away an empty toilet paper roll and replace it. (I'm sure you all know the shitting duck walk)
When we got home at night, I can follow her throughout the house, every single goddamn light in the house is on. Shes like a light trial and she is the first to bitch about the electric bill. The last few years, I follow her and turn off every single light she leaves on and then bitch at her about bitching about the electric bill...
Originally posted by Silverback
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
I had one with that problem. Called me up bitching one day because she got written up at work because of it. She was even more angry when I sided with her boss.
Being in a quiet mood and being asked a dozen times during the evening why I'm being so quiet. Finally, relent and provide a short and concise answer of just not being in a chatty mood - It has nothing to do with you. A moment of pause ensues. Cycle repeats with a different approach.
Texts while driving...and even worse, texts me while I'm driving! Even though I don't reply most times or at minimum only reply with "Driving"...still does it (I think just to irratate me). I'm very against texting and driving...and she knows this.
Her and my daughter both:
- Have no concept of locking doors.
- Knows how to turn light switches on but have not yet graduated to turning them off....I often come home and find every damned light in the house on....including rooms we don't normally use. Same goes for TV's...very often find a TV on with no one in the room.
- Will let trash can pile over before emptying it...and then usually leaves the bag right outside the back door that goes through the garage, as opposed to in the can that is right outside the garage (30 ft away).
- I also get VERY tired of tripping over their shoes. Here lately I've been thiking I might start throwing them in that bulging trash can...perhaps digging them out of the trash will help them to remember not to leave them laying around in the living room.
70' Chevelle RagTop (Forever Under Construction)
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison