Yesterday as I was doing my morning ritual (reading through the articles on I stumbled upon a video about the newest craze of “Cash Mobs”. At this point some of you are probably asking yourself what is a Cash Mob? Cash Mobs are “The general idea is to encourage people to go into small, local businesses and spend their money, en masse, to give the business owner a little bit of economic stimulus. We’d help businesses grow, we’d make people happy, we’d get stuff for ourselves, have a great time, and maybe we’d get a drink to celebrate afterward.” This description was quoted from Andrew Samtoy’s (CM Creator) website( I eagerly sent off an email to the folks over at CM thinking I would probably never hear back from them as they were probably very busy due to all the media attention. Not even 45mins later I get an email back from the creator himself Andrew Samtoy (extremely helpful and nice). I initially thought I would just lend a hand to whoever was running the Dallas, TX group. When he notified me they haven’t been able to find anyone to start the group, I was very surprised. I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of something that I felt like would really give back to the local community that has given me so much. It would be really nice to have some fellow Stangers be a part of this. Feel free to repost this on any other local forums, Facebook and Twitter as we need as many members as we can get.
I have started a Facebook and Twitter account for the local Dallas group. Make sure to join for the latest updates and Cash Mob events. We are looking for local members and business recommendations for Dallas, Tx. Email questions and recommendations to
Cash Mob Rules -
Facebook Group-
What the Press has to say-
CNN Video -
NY Times -
I have started a Facebook and Twitter account for the local Dallas group. Make sure to join for the latest updates and Cash Mob events. We are looking for local members and business recommendations for Dallas, Tx. Email questions and recommendations to
Cash Mob Rules -
---Cash Mob Dallas, TX Contact Info---
Facebook Group-
What the Press has to say-
CNN Video -
NY Times -