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Who do you have your homeowners insurance through?

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  • #16
    usaa for everything.
    ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


    • #17
      dont care
      Full time ninja editor.


      • #18
        Renters thru SF.


        • #19
          Travelers through a broker (Dean Insurance Group). My whole family uses them, as well as a number of clients and I haven't had any complaints from anyone.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            We had USAA for over 13 years until they went to a 2% deductible. We went shopping and found the same coverage, a 1% deductible, and cheaper premiums through Liberty Mutual.
            Token Split Tail

            Originally posted by slow99
   favorite female poster strikes again.
            Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
            You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


            • #21
              USAA for everything. Some of their stuff may be a tad higher than others, but their customer service has been excellent for me pretty much every time I have talked to them (with a couple of exceptions dealing with debit card orders).
              I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

              Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


              • #22
                Texas Farm Bureau. You can't beat their prices.
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #23
                  USAA for everything. They will quote a 2% deductible right off the top, but if you ask for a lower deductible they will quote it also. I dropped the deductible from 2% ($7K) to a flat $1000 and it added $4.00 per year to the policy.
                  - Darrell

                  1993 LX - Reef Blue R331ci
                  1993 Cobra #199 - SOLD


                  • #24
                    I use USAA for auto and renters.

                    I haven't made a renters claim with USAA but have made one auto claim for a deer strike and it was a seamless and quick process. They came over and looked at the car then I took it to a shop that I trusted and let them do the work. But I'm active military and the rates are a bit lower for that.
                    2004 Suzuki DL650
                    1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


                    • #25
                      Everything with Allstate


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                        USAA for everything. Some of their stuff may be a tad higher than others, but their customer service has been excellent for me pretty much every time I have talked to them (with a couple of exceptions dealing with debit card orders).
                        The one time USAA pissed me off was when they told me an accident was my fault.

                        I was on a two lane road and the woman coming the other way started to turn left in front of me, then changed her mind and slammed on the brakes (I was in a 2003 Excursion). She stopped with her left tire over the double yellow line and I could not stop in time, so our mirrors hit. It damaged both mirrors, and USAA told me that since I was the one in motion, it was my fault. I quoted the traffic code where she was required to maintain a single lane and yield right of way, but they still wouldn't budge.

