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35 Brutally Honest Reasons Men Say No to Sex

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shaggin Wagon View Post
    Sometimes, you just want to play Xbox instead!
    Now that is classic. It made me spit my coke out


    • #17
      I've only turned down sex a handful of times. And not for reasons that are on the list. Do ya'll have low testosterone or something? Serious question. I'm not a "horny 16 year old" either. But I like to fuck, period.

      1. I don't give a shit if I'm fat. What is this, estrogen city?
      2. Well, ok, I have done this one. But, what self respecting person wants to fuck a fat girl?
      3. Whiskey means it's rock hard and I can fuck for hours and not get off.
      4. LOL!
      5. Sex with someone different the night before is not going to do anything but push me to nail another chick that night.
      6. I almost always have condoms, non issue.
      7. Snipped now, but even before, that didn't stop me. Lulz.
      8. Ok, this is along the same lines as the fat girl one. If she's not attractive, I shouldn't be fucking her anyways.
      9. Was never an issue for me.
      10. If I nail a chick and she just lays there, I won't fuck her again.
      11. That's gay.
      12. Work stresses me out daily, and sex is a release. I might be thinking about work while I'm plowing it, but it's not going to stop me from fucking.
      13. Turn her over.
      14. I can see the point, but I don't think that's ever stopped me before either.
      15. If she gives bad head, all the more reason to fuck her instead.
      16. I can't even remember the last time I fucked a chick that had a bush. Had to have been early on in high school.
      17. LOL. What the fuck would I care? As long as I get mine, fuck you!
      18. ROFLCOPTER. Sluts don't intimidate me, they intrigue me. And I've never been with a chick that has had more partners than I have. At least, not since I was maybe 15 or so.
      19. Again, as long as I get mine, I don't give a fuck!
      20. Someone's a scaredey cat!
      21. Move it to the shower.
      22. lol
      23. Too aggressive? hahahahaha. If anything, I'm too aggressive. They don't seem to mind though.
      24. Depression has never kept me from sex.
      25. What the fuck do I care about her feelings for?
      26. That's when you find someone new to fuck. Surprise surprise, I'm an asshole. If you can't keep me interested, it's on to the next one. Sorry about your luck.
      27. Mistake #1 was asking for permission. 'Tis always easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission.
      28. For starters, as long as I get mine, who cares? Secondly, I wouldn't fuck some chick that didn't enjoy. Not more than once anyways.
      29. lmao. Whoever said this needs their man card revoked.
      30. hahaha. Treat me like shit! Even in the bedroom! I'll angry grudge fuck your little midget ass!
      31. That's a whole other issue, wont stop be from taking out my frustration about your bossiness on your ass.
      32. Ok, Nancy.
      33. Whoever said this needs to learn their way around a woman's body a little better. But even still, as long as I get mine...
      34. Ya'll pay attention to that? I never have.
      35. I'll concede on this one. That would be a boner killer, good thing I've never had to deal with it.
      Originally posted by BradM
      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
      Originally posted by Leah
      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


      • #18
        Anyone else just want to tell her sometimes jacking off is just easier.


        • #19
          Screw sex, I just want to fuck


          • #20
            I've turned down sex when she initiated, just to piss her off because she had been annoying earlier.

            But, then I'll wake her up mid insertion, in the middle of the night with surprise make up sex!


            • #21
              Originally posted by shaggin wagon View Post
              sometimes, you just want to play xbox instead!

