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Is Texas culture dead?

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  • Is Texas culture dead?

    It's been a long time since I've seen a cowboy. Been a long time since I've seen some guy that looks like he belongs out on the ranch, rather than in town. No more cowboy hats, no more vests, button up shirts, wranglers.

    Where did they all go?

    The fort worth stockyards and the state fair look like a swamp rather than a gene pool when you're walking around. I think we got displaced by every kind of immigrant you can imagine, watering down the culture and driving our native culture away.

    Thoughts? Has Texas culture been done for ever since we got invaded?​
    Last edited by Tx Redneck; 01-07-2025, 02:14 PM.

  • #2
    I tried to merge your posts, but it wiped the one with content. My bad...


    • #3
      I currently work in blue ridge and there’s some cowboy dudes out there


      • #4
        I’m predicting an invasion of AWFULs from CA after the recent fires. You are going to get affluent white femme ultra liberals complete with colored hair and door knocker nose rings. TX is well on its way to becoming the next CA. Buckle up, it’s going to get bumpy.

        TX still exists. You have to be an hour or more away from Houston, Dallas, San Antonio or the Austin metro areas to see it. TX is shrinking fast…. At least the genuine parts.


        • #5
          cowboys don't live in cities. got better damn sense. let the snowflakes have the big towns. i'll stay where folks are kind and decent .


          • #6
            Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
            cowboys don't live in cities. got better damn sense. let the snowflakes have the big towns. i'll stay where folks are kind and decent .
            Can you point me to where that still exists here in Texas?


            • #7
              Get an hour's drive outside of the big cities in any state and people are still mostly good people to be around. Including California.

              Texas culture isn't dead yet, but it is slowing down. You don't see real cowboys much anymore.
              Last edited by slow84lx; 01-15-2025, 09:02 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post

                Can you point me to where that still exists here in Texas?
                Everyday is cowboy day at Jake and Dorthy’s in Stephenville. If there aren’t cowboys there, then there aren’t any anywhere.


                • #9
                  i live on cutting horse alley. everybody is a cowboy to some degree.


                  • #10
                    whoops double post


                    • #11
                      Well trump is starting all the deportations apparently, so maybe we'll get our culture (mostly) back. I know a lot of people don't like being around people who are so different.

                      I'm certainly one of them, I don't know or care to look at or talk to anyone who doesn't even speak the same language as me. Or barely does. Why should I?

                      I'm glad to watch it all burn under trump. Smells like victory



                      • #12
                        I live just about an hour outside Dallas, Kaufman area. You pretty much have to go out past Canton or past Corsicana to get to people who still want to live that life. Too many old timers died off and the kids sold the ranch to developers in my area now days.
                        92 LX 5.0

