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Internet shutdown?

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  • Internet shutdown?

    Kill Switch: FBI Could Shut Off Internet for Thousands on March 8 to Eradicate Virus

    FBI Could Shut Down Internet for Those Infected With DNSChanger Trojan MalwareIt’s a scary thought, having the Internet forcibly shut off for you. But it’s just what some Fortune 500 companies and government agencies could face as the Federal Bureau of Investigation tries to get rid of an extremely malicious computer virus.

    Krebs on Security reports that the malware — DNSChanger Trojan — infected more than 4 million computes in more than 100 countries thanks to the work of six men who were arrested in Estonia for the crime in Nov. 2011. Gizmodo reports that the virus causes the user to be sent to fraudulent websites by changing DNS settings and even prevents them from visiting security sites that could help rid them of the virus.

    (Related: Seven charged for infecting 4 million computers with ‘false advertising’ malware)

    In the United States, a half a million computers were reportedly infected with a security firm finding at least one infection in half of the Fortune 500 companies and 27 government agencies. What’s to be done? Krebs on Security reports that any computer still infected by March 8, 2012, will have Internet service disconnected from it:

    “Yes, there are challenges with removing this malware, but you would think people would want to get this cleaned up,” said Rod Rasmussen, president and chief technology officer at Internet Identity. “This malware was sometimes bundled with other stuff, but it also turns off antivirus software on the infected machines and blocks them from getting security updates from Microsoft.”

    Computers still infected with DNSChanger are up against a countdown clock. As part of the DNSChanger botnet takedown, the feds secured a court order to replace the Trojan’s DNS infrastructure with surrogate, legitimate DNS servers. But those servers are only allowed to operate until March 8, 2012. Unless the court extends that order, any computers still infected with DNSChanger may no longer be able to browse the Web.
    Click here to find out more!

    Rasmussen said there are still millions of PCs infected with DNSChanger. “At this rate, a lot of users are going to see their Internet break on March 8.”

    Krebs reports the FBI saying that it is currently working on ideas to minimize impact on users in that event. Rasmussen says that cleanup, even if the deadline is extended, will still take a long time given the number of computers and says in addition to being “an interesting social experiment”, it would be a faster fix.

    Gizmodo reports that once you know you’re computer has a problem, that the fix isn’t too painful or time consuming. You can check to see if you’ve been “victimized” here.
    FBI Could Shut Down Internet for Those Infected With DNSChanger Trojan Malware

    FBI Handout

    U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in November that this case was first of its kind because the suspects set up their own “rogue” servers to secretly reroute Internet traffic to sites where they had a cut of the advertising revenue.

    “Without the computer users’ knowledge or permission, the malware digitally hijacked the infected computers to facilitate the fraud,” the indictment says.

    Once their computers were infected, people seeking to visit Netflix, the IRS, ESPN, Amazon and other legitimate sites were redirected to sites where the defendants collected income for each click on an ad, authorities said. The malware and corrupted servers also allowed the defendants to substitute legitimate ads on other websites with replacement ads that earned them more illicit income, they added.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2


    • #3
      Reading owns you.

      They are only shutting down the ghost dns servers and they only people affected are those who have infected pc's.

      So fucking what..clean your shit and you wont have a problem.


      • #4


        • #5
          Actually, anyone with infected computers will lose access to the internet. Reading doesn't own me at all. And you can't clean it, the virus won't let you. So the FBI is pulling the plug on those 'infected' and your access to the internet.

          Considering businesses and private individuals use the net for commerce and communications this is going to be hell for a lot of people. And things are never as they seem. You do this once, you set precedent and it'll happen more and more.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            Originally posted by Yale View Post
            Dude! EDIT THESE NEWS POSTS!
            Hey, I'm pretty fucked up on hydrocodone. Be happy I edited it as much as I did
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              I'm not worried.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                And you can't clean it, the virus won't let you.
                Bullshit. Backup your data and reinstall if its so fucking tough.

                Our company cleans malware of pc's all the fucking time and there is no malware that cant be removed by a reinstall of the OS.

                Only people who are going to be affected are the dumbfucks who are too lazy to fix their shit. And that goes for it admins as well that dont have a grip on their networks.

                I have zero sympathy for people who are affected by this.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jedi View Post
                  Bullshit. Backup your data and reinstall if its so fucking tough.

                  Our company cleans malware of pc's all the fucking time and there is no malware that cant be removed by a reinstall of the OS.

                  Only people who are going to be affected are the dumbfucks who are too lazy to fix their shit. And that goes for it admins as well that dont have a grip on their networks.

                  I have zero sympathy for people who are affected by this.
                  Well, what if it infects the CD your OS is on. Then what!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Yale View Post
                    Dude! EDIT THESE NEWS POSTS!

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
                      Well, what if it infects the CD your OS is on. Then what!
                      Shit, then buy a mac and join the rest of the dirty hippies at starbucks.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jedi View Post
                        Shit, then buy a mac and join the rest of the dirty hippies at starbucks.
                        Half way there, already got a Mac, but I never have bought anything from Starbucks, never will. Well, Lyn bought my Sister a gift card from there once adn I walked in with her to get it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
                          Half way there, already got a Mac, but I never have bought anything from Starbucks, never will. Well, Lyn bought my Sister a gift card from there once adn I walked in with her to get it.
                          Was this before or after you bought the mac?
                          Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                          Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                            Was this before or after you bought the mac?
                            Before. Got the Mac last year, this was for Xmas 2004 or 2005 I think. Hell, the only reason we have the Mac is that Lyn's boss gave everyone in the comany one. Pretty cool for a free gift! I'm a Windows guy, just ask Jedi, I love Windows more than anything.


                            • #15
                              Shit. Rob just runs a command window fullscreen as a Fuck You to the GUI.

