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Woman and boyfriend rape a 6-year-old

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  • #61
    I like to think that it happens more now than back in the day. My parents knew everybody on the block growing up, and all the neighbors tried to look out for each others kid. I don't know anybody on my block of 10 plus years except for my two immeidate neighbors, and I don't know them enough to leave my kid with them if I needed too. Times have changed....


    • #62
      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
      Which one is the boyfriend? Damn!

      While I understand how some crime makes sense, I have absolutely no patience for shit like this and would impose the death penalty, if it were an option.
      x infinity


      • #63
        Glad she's in the federal system. 30 years means 30 years. And I expect both will get some eye-for-an-eye justice in the joint as soon as they hit general population.


        • #64
          Originally posted by MattB View Post
          pics of the 6 y/o?
          Had to know it was coming.


          • #65
            I want to throw up.
            2004 Cobra
            Originally posted by The Raven
            This is exactly why if I ever have a daughter, I'm going to teach her to swallow early on.

            Originally posted by Marisa
            Undietaker is my hero.
            Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


            • #66
              Originally posted by Jester View Post
              It just seems like it happens more and more every day. You are probably right about the communications part, but it just seems like in the 50's it didnt happen nearly as much. Ofcourse it could be because we didnt know about it, but it really seems to me that over the last 20 years we have been seeing america fall apart.
              Just to add a thought, but another reason that we are hearing about this stuff more and more might not be just that there is more communication, but that people are more open to talk about it. Society in the 50's had a lot of the mentality of don't talk about it and it will go away, people just internally dealt with their problems. They didn't go to the police nearly as much as we do now.


              • #67
                Originally posted by DrGoogle View Post
                Now now, enough with all the aggression. Let's take the christian approach and put a smile on our face because the lord works in mysterious ways and this is just another example of god's will.
                Where in the fuck did you come from, wingnut?
                I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible,

                but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                  Just to add a thought, but another reason that we are hearing about this stuff more and more might not be just that there is more communication, but that people are more open to talk about it. Society in the 50's had a lot of the mentality of don't talk about it and it will go away, people just internally dealt with their problems. They didn't go to the police nearly as much as we do now.
                  this is true
                  May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                  Semper Fi


                  • #69

                    sadly i know this man i use to stay with him it saddens me to know that i was never safe in his house and it makes me wounder does he ever think what his parents are saying about them i knew them as well and they are turning over in there grave thinking about this horrable person


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by lizard1171 View Post
                      sadly i know this man i use to stay with him it saddens me to know that i was never safe in his house and it makes me wounder does he ever think what his parents are saying about them i knew them as well and they are turning over in there grave thinking about this horrable person
                      did you join this site to state you knew this piece of shit?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
                        did you join this site to state you knew this piece of shit?
                        They may have allowed him access to a computer there in federal pound him in the ass prison.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                          They may have allowed him access to a computer there in federal pound him in the ass prison.
                          lol. fucking odd though. i assume he was running some sort of search and this site popped up so he joined? freak


                          • #73
                            are these people declared sane? when i was 20 the youngest girl i would have contact with was 18ish.... How the fuck could you do something like that to a kiddo that age? thats just fucking gross!!! I think something is wrong in the head with those people! I dont agree with a 19year old having relations with a 17 year old getting in trouble... But if youre 20 and having sexual relations with a 15 year old(knowingly) you have problems too... I'm 31 and married and but i think teens vs 20's is a huge gap!


                            • #74

                              Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
                              did you join this site to state you knew this piece of shit?
                              No he was my uncle and it makes me cry to think about all the summers and weekends I use to spend at his house.
                              He use to be my escape from my house when I needed it.
                              I know my grampy and nanny are turning in there grave knowing who there son became.
                              They were great people to have such a horrable son.
                              However it is still my uncle and it makes me cry even harder to see what people want to do with him cause I know him and I knew him from his past and I never thought this is who he was :/


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
                                They will get what's coming to them in prison.

                                Those people in there hate child molesters
                                This. She won't last NEARLY 30 years, and neither will he.

