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Apartment charging for carpet - suggestions?

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  • #16
    burn it down?

    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #17
      Carpet is the biggest money making scam for apartments. Well, that and pet deposits. I've lived in three apartments in my life and it never mattered what condition i left the carpets in, they always came back with a full bill for replacement. Shit, one time i even rented one of those fancy smancy steam cleaners from Home Depot and they still tried to tag me for what they called damage at the front entrance.

      I don't really remember what i did because it was so long ago. However, i do remember one apartment sending me a $1200 bill for full replacement once. I was partially responsible since i was working on my bikes out in the garage and tracked some grease into the place. I went in and offered them $200 and said thats all they would ever get from me. The manager accepted and I made her sign a form releasing me from all charges.


      • #18
        I think you should politely tell them to get fucked.
        2012 mustang gt. 3.31 MT

