Baron helped me out a couple years ago with a transmission for the wifes car. Who would have guessed a 96 camry tranny is $2500+ to rebuild? Anyway he put us in touch with someone up there and that got us a deal.
That being said I called the other day about a engine assembly and the guy I talked to was a complete asshole! The douchebag even laughed at me when I asked about if it came with an accessory drive. As much as those fucking things cost a little customer service would be nice. That is one of the main reasons I prefer to do my buisness online.
That being said I called the other day about a engine assembly and the guy I talked to was a complete asshole! The douchebag even laughed at me when I asked about if it came with an accessory drive. As much as those fucking things cost a little customer service would be nice. That is one of the main reasons I prefer to do my buisness online.