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Camping Folks - LBJ Grasslands?

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  • #16
    Black creek lake is where I've camped. If you ever get a chance go hit up the Wichita mountains area just west of Fort Sill in Oklahoma. Just spent the weekend there and it was beautiful. On the way home I got a pic of my car on the second tallest spot in the state mount scott
    2004 Suzuki DL650
    1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


    • #17
      Ya, the spot I had this weekend was along one of the creeks that feeds Black Creek Lake, on the opposite side of the lake from where the designated campsites are. I parked at a dead end and carried my stuff about 50-75 yards past that.

      I'm sure that spot in OK is nice, but with fuel prices the way they are, and with days off for me being so valuable, I probably won't trek 175 miles each way to check out a new spot. Maybe one of these days though.

      I do take a big camping trip to Colorado every year. Other than that, I'm just shooting for quick and relatively cheap weekend trips. That's why LBJ was such a good option.


      • #18
        now that you have the superduty, ever thought about giving up some of the primitive aspects and buying a camper?

        we're talking about picking up a toy hauler, there's SOOO much camping within an hour of the house here that it would be a shame to live here and not experience it. I need a way to haul the bikes and buggy when we go too, so that fits the bill perfectly.

        i'm all about tent camping, and will still take my primitive supplies.. but i feel like i've slept on the rocks enough in my life.


        • #19
          Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
          now that you have the superduty, ever thought about giving up some of the primitive aspects and buying a camper?

          we're talking about picking up a toy hauler, there's SOOO much camping within an hour of the house here that it would be a shame to live here and not experience it. I need a way to haul the bikes and buggy when we go too, so that fits the bill perfectly.

          i'm all about tent camping, and will still take my primitive supplies.. but i feel like i've slept on the rocks enough in my life.
          I really enjoy tent camping. Camping in a camper is like fucking with a condom, imo. I admit it's nice at the end of the night, but the tent isn't so bad, either. Sleeping on the ground hurts too much now, so I sleep on a giant cot or an air mattress.

          I guess it would be nice to have one with A/C so I could camp around here in the summer. I love cold weather camping, but I do my best to avoid getting out in the miserable heat. But shit, I've got no place to keep one, and really don't need to spend the money for something like that, especially considering all the tent camping gear I already own.

          If I lived up there, you can bet your ass I'd be camping all the time. Go do it!


          • #20
            Originally posted by jluv View Post
            I really enjoy tent camping. Camping in a camper is like fucking with a condom, imo. I admit it's nice at the end of the night, but the tent isn't so bad, either. Sleeping on the ground hurts too much now, so I sleep on a giant cot or an air mattress.

            I guess it would be nice to have one with A/C so I could camp around here in the summer. I love cold weather camping, but I do my best to avoid getting out in the miserable heat. But shit, I've got no place to keep one, and really don't need to spend the money for something like that, especially considering all the tent camping gear I already own.

            If I lived up there, you can bet your ass I'd be camping all the time. Go do it!
            I hear ya. A few years ago my dad and I were tent camping at Powell, huge rain storm came thru and the winds tore our tent up and drenched us all night. That was the last time my dad said he would sleep in one again, we bought a cab-over the next week.

            I thoroughly enjoy tent camping, and still feel like i would do it, but i like the idea of having some of the amenities (toilet, lights, fridge, etc) as well as the thought of sleeping on an actual bed for a change. There's SO much camping up here by the lake (Detroit lake) as well as the Cascades, the coast, mountains, high plains desert, and sand dunes. I'm gonna talk to the bank today and see what kind of rates i can get on a loan.. then go on a shopping spree.


            • #21
              sounds like it was a rad time, jluv.

              Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
              There's SO much camping up here by the lake (Detroit lake) as well as the Cascades, the coast, mountains, high plains desert, and sand dunes.


              • #22
                Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                I hear ya. A few years ago my dad and I were tent camping at Powell, huge rain storm came thru and the winds tore our tent up and drenched us all night. That was the last time my dad said he would sleep in one again, we bought a cab-over the next week.

                I thoroughly enjoy tent camping, and still feel like i would do it, but i like the idea of having some of the amenities (toilet, lights, fridge, etc) as well as the thought of sleeping on an actual bed for a change. There's SO much camping up here by the lake (Detroit lake) as well as the Cascades, the coast, mountains, high plains desert, and sand dunes. I'm gonna talk to the bank today and see what kind of rates i can get on a loan.. then go on a shopping spree.
                I have a pop-up cabover, its not new or extra nice, but its dry, and has a great a/c unit.

                I'm about to gut and redo the inside to fit what I want. Its low enough to take it off pavement and not be too top heavy or snag on every tree.
                "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                • #23
                  I compromise and take a pop-up camper and one of the quiet honda generators, it's like tent with AC. When I go to LBJ I always get there on a thursday and back the popup into the SW corner of the parking lot off the asphalt and into the grass then park my truck in the first parking spot in front of the trailer. There is a fire pit right there and you have that whole grassy area to yourself pretty much and your right on the water.

                  Last time I went it was raining and some kids showed up after dark to camp. We sat under the ezup with a fire going smoking cigars and drinking whiskey while we laughed at these kids trying to set up in the rain. After a couple of hours they gave up and left lol.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jluv View Post
                    For those who gaf...

                    Had a great time! Drove/hiked around for about 3 hours and ended up setting up camp back at the first spot I'd looked at. Had to carry my shit a little way from where I parked, but it was worth it. Didn't see a single soul all weekend other than two of my buddies who met me out there. Camped literally 10 feet from the water. Caught a few mud cats and a few channel cats, nothing big. Saw some HUGE carp, so I'll be prepared to fish for those next time. The weather Friday was beautiful. It rained late that night and all day Saturday, but it didn't affect the camping. It was nice, in fact. Saw all kinds of birds including turkeys. No chiggers. Picked up quite a bit of trash people left behind. People who litter are fucking assholes. It's less than an hour from my house, so I'll definitely be going back to camp in that same spot.
                    Awesome-we need to plan a trip!
                    Originally posted by Baron View Post
                    I have a pop-up cabover, its not new or extra nice, but its dry, and has a great a/c unit.

                    I'm about to gut and redo the inside to fit what I want. Its low enough to take it off pavement and not be too top heavy or snag on every tree.
                    Come get this floor out of my garage and get busy!!

                    I can't fucking wait for Colorado this year. Wish you and Tiff could go when we are. It won't be the same without our stimulating debates and conversations.
                    Token Split Tail

                    Originally posted by slow99
           favorite female poster strikes again.
                    Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                    You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Leah View Post
                      Awesome-we need to plan a trip!

                      Come get this floor out of my garage and get busy!!

                      I can't fucking wait for Colorado this year. Wish you and Tiff could go when we are. It won't be the same without our stimulating debates and conversations.
                      Just have your hubby bring it with him when we are working on it.
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Leah View Post
                        Awesome-we need to plan a trip!

                        Come get this floor out of my garage and get busy!!

                        I can't fucking wait for Colorado this year. Wish you and Tiff could go when we are. It won't be the same without our stimulating debates and conversations.
                        Chunk vs chuck! It's chunk, by the way!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jluv View Post
                          Chunk vs chuck! It's chunk, by the way!
                          Poke or stoke?? It's stoke, btw.
                          Token Split Tail

                          Originally posted by slow99
                 favorite female poster strikes again.
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                          You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Leah View Post
                            Poke or stoke?? It's stoke, btw.
                            So are you trying to say that it's not possible to poke a fire?

                            Poking is stoking, but stoking is not always poking.

                            If the poker is not good for stoking, you might as well chunk it into the lake. Unless you're from North of the Red River, and then maybe you'd chuck it into the lake.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jluv View Post
                              So are you trying to say that it's not possible to poke a fire?

                              Poking is stoking, but stoking is not always poking.

                              If the poker is not good for stoking, you might as well chunk it into the lake. Unless you're from North of the Red River, and then maybe you'd chuck it into the lake.
                              Don't even get me started....
                              Token Split Tail

                              Originally posted by slow99
                     favorite female poster strikes again.
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                              • #30
                                Jared, are you and Tiffany out on the Colorado trip in June?

