I had to bring this one back, mainly because of the swarm of cretins on the other side of our building.
How do you shit UPHILL? I consistently walk into the bathroom and find toilets with shit on the lids and bowls (sometimes the tank!), half a roll of toilet paper wadded up and clogging the shitter. The best part is that there's often smear marks, which makes me wonder how many foul-assed heathens are in the building. They won't clean up after themselves and destroy the bathroom... Why should they care about cleaning their ass?
Paper gaskets suck, building a nest is wasteful, and I really dislike sitting bare-assed on public crappers, so I squat unless there's a high probability of aerosolized feces coating my shoes.
A long, curled mudsnake tends to hit the seat every once in a while but I've never missed entirely.
Men have become the tools of their tools. -Henry David Thoreau
<-----Now feels like a bottom feeder POS after reading Al's rendition of my career choice.
I now work in a call center at a corporate HQ talking to our dealers. Feels pretty bottom feeder to me.
I've been self-employed most of my adult life, now starting all over as an employee, FML. I earn approximately 70% less than I did at my peak.
Orders, upsell, logistics info, light tech support, equipment match up. They want us to upsell all this piddly shit. I'm not a fan of that, so I figure I'll do big upsells instead. Upsold something yesterday that cost about 100X what the usual shit does. The boss of my boss shot it down and said it doesn't count. HUH? Aren't we in business to make money??? FML
Just got turned down from another jobs that pays 50% better, they want someone straight out of college. Got on more GOOD lead on a job, if I don't get that, looks like I'll be stuck here for awhile longer. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuu
Paper gaskets suck, building a nest is wasteful, and I really dislike sitting bare-assed on public crappers, so I squat unless there's a high probability of aerosolized feces coating my shoes.
A long, curled mudsnake tends to hit the seat every once in a while but I've never missed entirely.
Yeah but you clean up after yourself instead of leaving a foul mess, right? These cretins leave it all out. Like a turd show.
Originally posted by PGreenCobra
I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
Lucky my job offers tuition reimbursement and I'm taking full advantage so I can get the fuck out of this type of job! I usually come to work, hardly talk to or associate with anyone and leave out the side exit.
A few weeks ago I look out my window and in the formerly big empty parking lot, there's a crew out there laying stripes. Apparently there's a call center of 500 people going in upstairs. FML.
A few weeks ago I look out my window and in the formerly big empty parking lot, there's a crew out there laying stripes. Apparently there's a call center of 500 people going in upstairs. FML.
That's a lot of people. Bound to be a few gals down for some whataburger chicken strips!
I think you led him to believe there's better pussy in your new building.
It is amazing the number of great looking women down here. Go hang out at the Katy trail ice house on a nice day, the place is nuts. A single guy should live here.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
A few weeks ago I look out my window and in the formerly big empty parking lot, there's a crew out there laying stripes. Apparently there's a call center of 500 people going in upstairs. FML.
You are in for a treat. And of course by treat I mean poop.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
It is amazing the number of great looking women down here. Go hang out at the Katy trail ice house on a nice day, the place is nuts. A single guy should live here.
It is amazing the number of great looking women down here. Go hang out at the Katy trail ice house on a nice day, the place is nuts. A single guy should live here.
Don't be posting about my honeyhole on the internet for everybody to see, fuck!