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Drastic Career Moves (Specifically Into the Oilfield)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
    You realize that's not the only job in the oilfield lol, I know lots of people who work out here and have never stepped foot on a drilling rig. We don't even get to the locations till the rig is long gone.
    Honestly I just don't want to work 14+ hrs a day. I know there are tons of jobs for oil companies but I damned sure wouldn't be working on a rig


    • #17
      Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
      Honestly I just don't want to work 14+ hrs a day. I know there are tons of jobs for oil companies but I damned sure wouldn't be working on a rig
      That's a hard way to pull six figures!
      Originally posted by racrguy
      What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
      Originally posted by racrguy
      Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


      • #18
        So what's with oil/gas paying out so much overtime, why don't they just hire more people? Can't find competent employees or what? I've never understood that part, seems like they're paying out more money than they need to.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Texican View Post
          So what's with oil/gas paying out so much overtime, why don't they just hire more people? Can't find competent employees or what? I've never understood that part, seems like they're paying out more money than they need to.
          12 hour shifts plus travel to and from daily, 16-17 hours a day easy. Ton of work right now, they can't hire people fast enough.


          • #20
            Has there ever been a downturn? I'm fairly new to the area, so I've only seen the recent boom. Is there a time (oversupply) when all these drilling operations scale back? Then there are a couple thousand O&G people looking for regular work again?

            Just wondering


            • #21
              Originally posted by View Post
              Has there ever been a downturn? I'm fairly new to the area, so I've only seen the recent boom. Is there a time (oversupply) when all these drilling operations scale back? Then there are a couple thousand O&G people looking for regular work again?

              Just wondering
              See... 1980's. The O&G is a boom and bust business. Entire towns disappear almost overnight.

              If you take one of these jobs, be prepared to follow the fields (N. Dakota, Pennsylvania, Alaska, UAE, Saudi, etc.) or be prepared to get another job at some point. Save up most of your money in anticipation of the next bust. Be prepared to have some health issues (if you roughneck).

              My father in law has worked for Halliburton for a LONG time. Missing flesh and hearing is quite common among his peers.


              • #22
                Originally posted by View Post
                Has there ever been a downturn? I'm fairly new to the area, so I've only seen the recent boom. Is there a time (oversupply) when all these drilling operations scale back? Then there are a couple thousand O&G people looking for regular work again?

                Just wondering
                The mid 90's weren't that great. Had a mini down turn in 08, but it recovered pretty quick, lots of landmen got laid off around here. I also knew several company men, DD's and MWD's that had little or no work to do for the better part of 08 and into 09. I know our business dropped off sharply at the end of 08 and didn't pick back up until mid 09.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by slostang281 View Post
                  I went from a dealership mechanic to a floorhand on a drilling rig. I liked it but got a job offer as a mechanic that promised the same pay as I was getting on the rig. That didn't happen and I am trying to get back on my old rig as we speak.

                  What kind of company are you trying to get into and what kind of work? Nabors is probably the best and safest company out there but also the lowest paying as well. You can probably make $10 an hour more at H&P, Patterson, Big Dog, etc but the risk of getting injured is increased as well because they will hire a warm body. Long hours and long days but it's nice to be away from all the bullshit at home for a change and make a minimum of 2 grand a week.
                  What is Nabors paying now-a-days? I thought they kept pretty in line with Patterson? Although, Patterson is beginning to become one of the lower paid. Patterson is hiring like crazy, but they are hiring idiots and it sure isn't what it used to be.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    That's a hard way to pull six figures!
                    if you say so. Its interesting to read about drilling though


                    • #25
                      choo choo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by stinginstang View Post
                        wife works for Nabors
                        What kind of work does she do?

                        Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
                        What is Nabors paying now-a-days? I thought they kept pretty in line with Patterson? Although, Patterson is beginning to become one of the lower paid. Patterson is hiring like crazy, but they are hiring idiots and it sure isn't what it used to be.
                        I was making $20.25 as a floorhand when I quit Nabors in June last year but was hearing Patterson was paying $26-28 while H&P was around $30. I can't speak for any other company but Nabors was paying $25 or $35 a day per diem, provided all safety equipment including coveralls; just had to provide boots and that was it. They paid for prescription safety glasses every year if it was needed. It may not be the best paying rig job but everyone I talked to who has or still works for them will not go anywhere else. Everyone is hiring hands off the street just so they have a full crew, Nabors is strict on who they hire and there is a four day safety training for all new hires and have training for all employees every two years or so. Not to be a Nabors nut swinger, but they seem to take care of their employees a lot better than the rest.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by slostang281 View Post
                          I went from a dealership mechanic to a floorhand on a drilling rig. I liked it but got a job offer as a mechanic that promised the same pay as I was getting on the rig. That didn't happen and I am trying to get back on my old rig as we speak.

                          What kind of company are you trying to get into and what kind of work? Nabors is probably the best and safest company out there but also the lowest paying as well. You can probably make $10 an hour more at H&P, Patterson, Big Dog, etc but the risk of getting injured is increased as well because they will hire a warm body. Long hours and long days but it's nice to be away from all the bullshit at home for a change and make a minimum of 2 grand a week.
                          how are you making 2 grand a week at $10 an hour?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by emg View Post
                            how are you making 2 grand a week at $10 an hour?
                            I believe he was stating that the position paid $10 MORE per hour. Not that $10 was the base rate
                            Originally posted by Sean88gt
                            You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                            Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                            You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Gtracer View Post
                              I believe he was stating that the position paid $10 MORE per hour. Not that $10 was the base rate
                              oh ok, thanks.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by View Post
                                Has there ever been a downturn? I'm fairly new to the area, so I've only seen the recent boom. Is there a time (oversupply) when all these drilling operations scale back? Then there are a couple thousand O&G people looking for regular work again?

                                Just wondering
                                Yep it goes up then it goes down

