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where do people with felony convictions work?

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  • slow99
    Originally posted by JarHeadTex View Post disrespect to anyone who has a GED here haha...I just havent met anyone who has dome this in the 2+ years I have been recruiting.
    There are tons of them, no doubt.
    Last edited by slow99; 02-01-2012, 11:12 AM.

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  • SEB
    I had two felonys back years & years ago in Alabama for Joy riding cars! Did my 2 years & left the state & went to Chicago & spent 7 years there from 19 to 26 & got some great jobs. Even contracted for Fannie Mae doing Tech Support and worked for Mercantile Exchange along with a job I had at Ameritech doing Call support for IBM with these felonys on my record. Of course back in the late 90s backgroud checks only covered that state! Now 15years later. Everything pops up from IL & AL

    Then 911 came. Roy who posts here as Omega Doom got me a great job working at Lowes. I got the job & had a start date. They where just waiting on my background to come back & low & behold my felony came up from when I 17 & lost the job. Im still paying for my mistakes as a kid at 36 years old. Almost 20 years later.

    Now I work for myself doing Landscape Work & hauling old junk cars to scrap yard & alot of side work. I

    I will say it was a blessing in disguise the felonys following me, Because to be honest. I dont care to work for companys anymore anyways. They treat employees like shit & work the dog shit outta you & then micro managae you.

    My suggestion if your a convicted felon! Go in to business for yourself!!!!

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  • Steve
    Typically I would say they would work jobs that most other people wouldn't want to work. Heavy intensive manual labor jobs, entry level fast food, yard crews, roofing companies, construction, moving companies, clean up crews, janatorial services etc.

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  • onemeangixxer7502
    Originally posted by JarHeadTex View Post

    I have a GED and a Masters in Mechanical/Automotive engineering and could finish my Doctorates without too much effort. GEDs are not always a bad thing. Some people use them as a way to start college a few years earlier then the norm. By the way, I couldn't stand the jobs that my degree would get me.
    a masters from where?

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  • 96lasersnake
    Moving companies, that way they know what to steal when they move you in. And those places will hire anyone.

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  • svauto-erotic855
    Originally posted by AMJ View Post

    You are do not have to graduate. You can still have a GED and 15 credits. More often than not, from my experience if you get your GED, you likely wont have the dedication to get the 15 disrespect to anyone who has a GED here haha...I just havent met anyone who has dome this in the 2+ years I have been recruiting.
    I have a GED and a Masters in Mechanical/Automotive engineering and could finish my Doctorates without too much effort. GEDs are not always a bad thing. Some people use them as a way to start college a few years earlier then the norm. By the way, I couldn't stand the jobs that my degree would get me.

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  • Wicked98Snake
    Originally posted by JFurst View Post
    They not hiring
    Gots too many ditches atm
    You were probably under qualified.

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  • JFurst
    Originally posted by Wicked98Snake View Post
    The world needs ditch diggers
    They not hiring
    Gots too many ditches atm

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  • Wicked98Snake
    The world needs ditch diggers

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  • Jasonone
    meh, fuck em. Their spoon fed spawn would have to be taught to wipe their own ass, and no RDC in the world is gonna take a shot at that lesson.

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  • JarHeadTex
    Thats more of what I was getting at. Its like they are above that. I suppose having been in combat makes you kind of resentful of responses like that. I can certainly understand patents not wanting their kids to join...but to think they are too good pisses me off. I am a father of 3 and if my kids wanted to join I would support them...i would still be concerned.

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  • Jasonone
    I can't say I find fault in the parents for hoping their childrens paths don't involve the military. I'm not a parent but I can imagine wanting the best for your children doesn't involve getting shot at. Plenty of fault to be found for scoffing at the idea of serving though as if they were above it. It's tough knowing the gift you're giving to a free population will be squandered on a fair amount of the populace who neither care nor intend to acknowledge the cost as if they were entitled.

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  • JarHeadTex
    Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
    The military isn't even taking people with a GED anymore. They REQUIRE a high school diploma.QUOTE]

    last time i checked the army required 15 college credits to join.but then again its been 3-4yrs
    You are do not have to graduate. You can still have a GED and 15 credits. More often than not, from my experience if you get your GED, you likely wont have the dedication to get the 15 disrespect to anyone who has a GED here haha...I just havent met anyone who has dome this in the 2+ years I have been recruiting.

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  • Taylor
    Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
    The military isn't even taking people with a GED anymore. They REQUIRE a high school diploma. I have a buddy that fired a pistol into the air about 7 years ago on New Years up in Plano and the police caught him and charged him with Deadly Conduct ...a felony. He served 2 years. He's had an incredibly tough time finding pretty much ANYTHING in the last 5 years.
    Your friend's a fucking idiot and deserves every bit of that punishment.

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  • JarHeadTex
    Originally posted by Jasonone View Post
    Maybe a few guys who raised a little hell and payed for it is just what we need in this fledgling first class organization. WTF is a 'second class' organization anyways? Are you suggesting the guys in the military before a person such as yourself served were involved in an inferior organization? I'm wondering if that implication would be as well received with the last couple generations of vets...
    HAHA!! I have no problem with guys that raise hell. I am with you on that...they make good Marines. I dont make the regulations...however as a recruiter, I have to follow them. What I mean by 2nd class organization is when I call someones' house(in the affluent area I cover) to talk to their son about the military the parents sometimes laugh "Marines..yeah right he has plans". I have told more than one parent not to worry someone else's son will gladly lay down their life for your freedom to laugh and be disrespectful.

    As far as being received by the past generation of VETs. I am not disrespecting them, just stating the current qualifications..they are different!! The days of joining the military to avoid jail are long gone.

    and btw I have lost friends on the battlefield too..I spent all of my combat tours in Falluja from 04-07 so I believe I have paid some dues as well.

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