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Birthday gift ideas for the wife
Ok... if you're serious about this.....
Get off from your job on her birthday
Schedule the following ON her birthday. (Even if she does it already.)
Massage, pedicure, hair cut, manicure, not necessarily in that order.
- Breakfast.... get up, go to Her favorite breakfast place.
- Afterwards, Drop her off at the manicure/pedicure place
- Arrange to have her car dropped off there too. (or do it yourself.)
- Leave a message at the front office of the mani/pedi place to get in her car and go to the hair cut place.
- While she's out of the house.... Have it professionally cleaned, carpets, floors, windows, etc.
- While she's out, if she's into it, get a new "adult" toy for her.
- While she's out, after house is clean, set the mood!!! Flowers maybe? Roses petals on the floor? (Maybe over kill.) music, lights, etc.
- Once she gets a Haircut, leave a message for her to get a massage. (They should have showers at the massage place.)
- Once she gets a massage/shower (This should be mid afternoon) Leave a $100 gift certificate for and leave a note to go to Fredricks or Victoria's secret.
- At Fred's/Victoria's leave a message for her to meet you at [your place of choice] for dinner
- Have her dinner already planned out. (This proves you know her.) Should be a nice "lite" dinner. Maybe a bit of wine??? Tipsy, not drunk!
- Plan on a "service" to drive you both home. Limo if you can afford it, NOT a CAB!
- Have a buddy drive her cars home. (Fuckers better be sober!)
- At home.... Do I need to go on??? Make the entire day all about her.
I did this once..... It is the single greatest thing I've ever done.... I regret it sometimes.....Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American GunThere comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.