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"Median" on a residential street?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
    That is not what the funds were spent to do. A parent should be smart enough to choose where they reside and take in to consideration that there is a main road in the their front yard.

    While you may not want people speeding you know you will always end up with some that do. I would never move my family if I had younger kids to a road like that.

    Still a waste of funds to me.
    I understand what you're saying, but the speed limit is 35 mph. Where I come from that's generally the accepted speed on some of the less major roads that quite a few of the houses back up to, and even some neighborhoods have a 30 mph posted speed limit. The people who speed through the area in the news article are doing anywhere from 166%-200% the posted speed limit, and that's unacceptable. I'm not arguing that the funds were spent inappropriately because I don't know if they were earmarked for something else, but if it wasn't then I think that the city is justified in its actions. Especially if they integrated the bike lanes into it.


    • #17
      For that kind of cake couldn't they just put in a speed camera or put an officer on it. Seems like it could then be a revenue stream


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ratt View Post
        The people who speed through the area in the news article are doing anywhere from 166%-200% the posted speed limit, and that's unacceptable. I'm not arguing that the funds were spent inappropriately because I don't know if they were earmarked for something else, but if it wasn't then I think that the city is justified in its actions. Especially if they integrated the bike lanes into it.
        I am pretty sure this was all for bike lanes which cool whatever, as I would rather see them on a side ride like this than riding the main thoroughfares.

        What they did on Norwood to me is plum stupid. It is a lot more than what that pic above shows.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
          My wife's parents live off Norwood. First time we saw that shit we were like WTF?! Two seconds later we se some dipshit plow straight over the entire thing, breaking a wheel OFF and two other flats. Calmed the shit out of her driving!
          wow! i bet that was a sight! lol


          • #20
            I understand why they did it, but why not utilize that area as a revenue generation point? Clearly there was a lot of potential there to up the city's income.

            Instead, they'll bust people doing 75 in a 70 on a 3-8 lane highway.
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
              That is not what the funds were spent to do. A parent should be smart enough to choose where they reside and take in to consideration that there is a main road in the their front yard.

              While you may not want people speeding you know you will always end up with some that do. I would never move my family if I had younger kids to a road like that.

              Still a waste of funds to me.
     think it is ok to do 50-70mph on a residential street with a posted 35mph limit? Really? Seems like an ok solution to me if it works. Speed bumps suck.


              • #22
                Originally posted by EW View Post
       think it is ok to do 50-70mph on a residential street with a posted 35mph limit? Really? Seems like an ok solution to me if it works. Speed bumps suck.
                Quite sure I never said it was, nor do I ever speed in neighborhoods. I am just a parent that would never live on a main road with younger kids.

                Speed bumps yes. The wasted money on Norwood for Bike lanes, NO!


                • #23
                  I was in the neighborhood and figured I would video Norwood.


                  • #24
                    i see head on crashes in the future


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
                      I was in the neighborhood and figured I would video Norwood.

                      That shit can easily be done at 100.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
                        What a waste of city funds.
                        Compared to what most cities waste money on, it actually seems like a pretty good use of funds.


                        • #27
                          they should have put speed humps in.
                          like this in Dubai

