Originally posted by svo855
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I think my statement about having shotgun in hand and waiting for them outside made them jump up and actually call the fire marshal, because I didn't even have time to describe what the dispatcher said on the phone to my wife before the fire marshal was calling.
And, I would have happily bounced my ass out there with gun in hand, EXCEPT this was taking place up next to our fence in the ditch, but not on the inside of the fence. Some of the fire actually came through the fence, but they were setting them outside of the fence, so I didn't know if the ditch was considered part of the "Castle".
From where that Oak tree has been dropping leaves this week, it nearly filled the ditch, neighbor has about 6-8 inches from the street to her house, and we have about the same from our chain link fence to about 20 feet to the bottom of our privacy fence. If the fire would have got rolling it would have made it to the neighbor's house, to our back privacy fence and storage building, to the Fiat X1/9 and my 71 Mustang beside it, then across the yards towards our house. I guess I'll go out tomorrow and rake our ditch and back yard, then the neighbors ditch and front yard...
Find me a dark spot to sit with a six pack of Miller and the boomstick.