I got a Kindle Fire for christmas, I'm waiting to finish my hard copy book I am reading before I transition on over to the electronic shit. I'm not sure if it is going to be for me. The kindle does have wifi internet access and shit like that though so that is a positive.
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Books v. E-Reader - I need help
Originally posted by lo3oz View PostKindle fire looks pretty slick.. but there's something to be said for turning the actual pages of a book.
shit, i don't know that i could decide. the only benefit is not having a shelf full of shit you wont read again after a while.Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99Lmao...my favorite female poster strikes again.Originally posted by Pokulski-BlatzYou are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
I got a Kindle 3G as part of an award from work. I really like the e-ink. It's a lot easier on the eyes and more like reading a book. My wife and I bought my father-in-law a Nook tablet for Christmas and it's cool for all the other things it can do but for strictly an e-reader I'd stick with e-ink.
I got my wife a kindle about a year or so ago and she loves it. She's probably read around 200 books on it so far and hasn't missed the paper version at all. The battery last forever on that damn thing. I would like a kindle Fire if you could get magazine stuff for a decent price, but from what I have seen the magazines are around the same price as the real thing.
I have a e-ink kindle and I love it, it's so small and light it makes really convenient... I couldn't imagine a flight without it. I tried a nook color, but reading on the e-ink is easier on the eyes, especially if you already stare at a computer all day.
BTW: Amazon will convert PDF's to ebook format for the kindle, and there are plenty of books out there for free in PDF format.
We had a ton of credit card points, so we blew 'em on a Kindle Fire. I love to read and I dig all the previously mentioned stuff about a book. But the Kindle is really nice and I like it way better than I thought I would. Give it a try - you can always ebay it if you don't like it.
The internet and android apps make it even better.
I fucking love my E-book. (Galaxy Tab 10.1)
128 books on it so far, and no sign of stopping.
If you are worried about charging in a zombie apocalypse, get a solar or hand crank charger.
I also like that a lot of older classics (The time machine, origin of species, paradise lost, count of monte cristo, etc) are free on with the amazon kindle app.
* But always have a cheap spare one (older kindle or whatnot) up to date with your library and tucked away in a faraday cage w the previously mentioned chargers in case the brand of disaster is more of the EMP variety than the zombie variety.
My wife has been facing the same dilemma, she always has a book so an e-reader would be more convenient. But she loves a real book and since she joined paperback swap she gets books for next to nothing. The other problem is if she reads a book she thinks I will like I would have to buy an e-reader. We are about to add a bookshelf in our formal living room along the whole wall so I think we will be sticking with paperback for awhile.
Get a tablet, or root a book or kindle, and you can have both the nook and kindle apps on it.
I have an iPad2, and the gf has a nook color that I picked up a nook2android SD card for. She reads books on hers all the time, and finds plenty of books for free on the internet.
I don't read much, other than school stuff. But she was able to get her textbook for this semesters government class on the nook, for a bit of a discount.
Buy one, and try it out. You can always return it for store credit and buy books with the store credit if you dont like it.
Got my wife a kindle e-ink touch for Christmas and she loves it. She has already read 4-5 books on it."No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
If you love books then get an e-ink eReader. Do not get the Kindle Fire or Nook Color/Tablet, a bright LCD is not what you want to be staring at if you really love to read. Some people don't mind an LCD but I bet most of them don't really read it for hours at a time.
You want the regular Kindle or the Nook Simple Touch. I've had a Kindle for a couple of years and I love it. I read about 30-40 books a year.
I still buy a real copy of books at Half Price Books because I just like having them on my shelf. I keep a list of books that I've read on the Kindle but don't own yet and just check HPB every once in a while to pick up cheap.
The Kindle is awesome because you can download the same book to your Kindle and to your phone and it will sync you location between them. So if you are bored and waiting somewhere you can read a few pages on your phoneand then use your Kindle at home and pickup right where you left off.
The Kindle for $79 is a fantastic deal and if you don't like it I'm sure you could sell it on craigslist for $60, so it's probably worth about $20 just to see if you really like it.