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Do you sit or stand when you wipe

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  • #61
    Stand, with crumpled TP and blotting technique

    and this:
    Originally posted by aCid View Post
    I make a couch of toilet paper over the front so my cock and balls take rest for a little bit.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Lone Sailor View Post
      I think Elvis posted in the tp thread that he does.
      I never heard of it until I was working with a guy that kept a pack of baby wipes in his tool box and swore by them. To this day I have yet to try it.
      '93 Cobra-Coyote Powered
      '13 Dodge Cummins
      '14 Rubicon X


      • #63
        Originally posted by white88 View Post
        I never heard of it until I was working with a guy that kept a pack of baby wipes in his tool box and swore by them. To this day I have yet to try it.
        It may be an old man trick, a la gold bond to prevent swamp ass, but its a good one.

        Once you try it, you will never question it again. Now I don't use them as my daily drivers, but when the occasional million wiper rears its ugly head, they are impossible to beat.
        2016 Chevrolet SS 6M


        • #64
          I'm 6'6" so I have to stand up somewhat. I don't see putting my hands under my ass inside a shit filled toilet to wipe. And moist wipes are good sometimes. And I fucking crumple the TP.....more scrubbing power.


          • #65
            Sit and Fold. I didn't reply to the other thread.

            On a sidenote, we have some nasty ass person here at work who stands on the toilet seat, squatting and shits all over the place. I guess he is too scared to sit on a public seat so he would rather shit all over the place and render that stall useless until some poor cleanup crew cleans up after him. He will be in there from time to time and when somebody comes in, he'll sit in the bathroom for ever waiting on you to leave so he wont get caught.


            • #66
              I've been a crumpler since I can remember learning to wipe.

              if crumpled properly, the wad will have more crevices in a small amount of surface area. The crevices or mini-folds can harvest more shit than a flat, folded piece. And the crumple strikes the b-hole with more edges giving it way more shit removing potential.

              Don't forget one wet wipe to finish your job well done!

