any other Islay/Campbeltown peaty scotch fans?
Ardbeg 10 is the flavor tonight. Pops sent me home with a bottle.
I picked up a bottle of Longrow 14 on the way home from DFW on the 31st. I was in love with it over Thanksgiving. Still fucking love it, but I hit up this Ardbeg tonight, and wow... just wow... I'd tasted it over Thanksgiving, but it's really tasting great tonight.
bonus is it's half the price of the Longrow!
Ardbeg 10 is the flavor tonight. Pops sent me home with a bottle.
I picked up a bottle of Longrow 14 on the way home from DFW on the 31st. I was in love with it over Thanksgiving. Still fucking love it, but I hit up this Ardbeg tonight, and wow... just wow... I'd tasted it over Thanksgiving, but it's really tasting great tonight.
bonus is it's half the price of the Longrow!
