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  • #31
    i want to get buried naked, no box just throw me in the hole and let nature take care of the rest.


    • #32
      They also do casket rentals....

      You could still be cremated, but there would be a viewing and for the viewing you rent a casket. They mentioned this option to me when my Dad passed. Thank goodness my Mom and Dad had pre-arrangements. All we had to pay for my Dad's was the actually digging and filling which I think was around $800. My Mom has hers all paid for too. Being that I am an only child, it will be a big relief.

      My uncle was cremated and asked to have his ashes spread by the old railroad trestle he used to love to go watch the train go by. Family tells me when they poured him out, the train just happened to come by and whipped up his ashes in a cloud and carried away part of him.

      Saw a thing on PBS once about funerals/burials once. One that stood out to me was an old rancher. In his 90's, he and 3 generations of the men and close friends gathered and built his casket. It was a labor of love. It was a memorable time for all of them and they were all having fun reminiscing, and cutting up with the man while he watched from his wheelchair. It was a fine wood casket they made. Once it was done, the old man branded it himself with his cattle brand from his wheelchair. He passed a few days later. They hauled him to the burial site in the bed of an old Ford TT truck on top of a hill overlooking his cattle I think.


      • #33
        Originally posted by junior View Post
        i want to get buried naked, no box just throw me in the hole and let nature take care of the rest.
        It is illegal.

        Along with not being able to put a love ones urn in with you. We were going to put my grandfathers ashes in with my grandmother and they said that is a big no no.


        • #34
          Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
          It is illegal.

          Along with not being able to put a love ones urn in with you. We were going to put my grandfathers ashes in with my grandmother and they said that is a big no no.
          well that sucks


          • #35
            I have not decided yet, but I also have no children of my own.

            My father wants to be burned. My uncle has his planned and paid for.


            • #36
              Originally posted by grove rat View Post
              navy funeral, feed me to the sharks

              Plus, I gotta find Osama and kick him in the jimmy.
              "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


              • #37
                I don't understand being buried, seems like such a waste of real estate. Ashes for me, into the ocean please.


                • #38
                  I want to have my corpse strapped to the largest ICBM we have and shot into Mecca
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #39
                    Give me the $10,000 or so while I'm alive and toss my wasted corpse in the dumpster when the time comes.


                    • #40
                      Y'all are being very short-sighted here. When I'm out and about kicking ass as a zombie y'all will regret being cremated.

