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My crazy friday night. . . . (long read)

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  • My crazy friday night. . . . (long read)

    Cliff Notes: bitch be crazy

    I’ve been planning a night for me and Amanda (my girlfriend until she decided to leave me last night) to have fun and expand as a couple for almost a month. So, a friend (Ashley) and I go out, waiting for Amanda to meet up with us. I picked Hawley's, since she's familiar with it and would know where it is, and hopefully be comfortable meeting us there. The night is going pretty good. There’s nothing special or crazy going on, just some light drinking and playing pool. Eventually Amanda shows up, and we play a few games with alternating teams.

    At some point, Amanda decides she wants to go to a strip club. She just got paid today, so cool, here we go. We drop off the two vehicle at my place, and end up taking my car to the strip club. A few things are already bothering me when we get there: Parking was $5, it’s byob (which we didn’t know before going, so we didn’t bring anything), it’s $60 to get us in, and tiny cans of beer are $5 a pop. I didn’t really plan on going there for the night, so I didn’t have money on me for it. If it had been part of the plans, I’d of cut spending on other things for the night, brought alcohol from home, and went in with $100 or so to blow. I didn’t expect to be paying for someone who just got paid that day too. I don’t see this being a long night with the money already spent at home. In total, probably around $250-$300 for just the night.

    We’re there for maybe ten minutes, and Amanda tells me to go get the stripper $10. I told her I didn’t have any cash on me and not right now. This is where the night turns bad. Somehow, this is Amanda’s queue to start calling me a pussy, telling me I’m not a man, etc etc etc. I tried telling her how much money I’ve already spent for the night, and let’s just wait a bit. This is a no-go for her. She continues to call me names, tell me I’m worthless, etc etc. I look over at Ashley and say “Are you ready to go?” I’m not about to have this kind of argument in a public place, and I don’t need (or deserve) to have someone calling me names and treating me like she’s doing. Amanda looks at me and says “You’re taking me to my car right?” I said “I’m worthless, remember? I don’t know if I can do that.” This is where it gets really interesting.

    Apparently it upset Amanda for me to say that, and she walks out. Feeling bad, and not wanting her to get lost, or fall victim to god knows what kind of drunk guy outside of a strip club that’d take advantage of her situation, I go after her so she can ride back and get her car. When I catch up to her, She is pissed, telling me to get away from her, etc etc. I tell her to calm down, let’s just go. She decides to continue the argument from inside, calling me worthless, telling me I’m supposed to be the man, making the money, paying for her, and spending it on a night to have fun. I tell her I am, and I have been. This is all coming from a girl who plans to spend hundreds of dollars the next day just get a hair cut and color blue in her hair. She just starts repeating herself, and I say “You’re right, I am the one making money. You’re the one who isn’t making any.” Not the best move on my part. Not that the comment wasn’t deserved in retaliation for what she was saying and how she was acting, but because it wouldn’t do anything but escalate the situation instead of bring it back down to a calm level. This is when Amanda really starts to shine.

    Now I’m standing next to a girl screaming “GET AWAY FROM ME” and screaming for police to come help her. I didn’t wait for someone around to get the wrong idea, I start walking away immediately. If cops or anyone is going to show up, I want as much distance between us so the appearance that I’m actually harassing her isn’t the case. I reach into my pocket to grab my keys and accidentally bumped the remote start button. This isn’t a problem, but in the was things are going down, I didn’t follow through with the remote start and key procedure correctly.

    I get in the car, let down the parking brake, and start backing out. Unfortunately, if you don’t put the key in the ignition, then into the “on” position before hitting the brake pedal, the car thinks it Is being stolen and goes into a lock mode. Great, now I can’t start the car for 10-15 minutes until it resets. Ashley is asking me if we’re going to leave her. I told her no, I don’t want to, but I can’t approach Amanda right now. If I do, she’s start screaming, and it’ll draw attention, and appear as if I’m doing something wrong. I ask Ashley if she can go talk to her, get her back to the car, then we’ll be on our way as soon as possible. It works, but to keep with the trends of things, it only makes the situation worse.

    Amanda is still on the mission of insulting me and saying every hurtful thing she can imagine. Now, she’s telling me it’s no surprise I don’t have as many friends as she does, she’s telling me she isn’t surprised that my step mom doesn’t like me, I’m worthless to her, she can’t see why anyone would like a loser like me, etc etc. Really saying some of the most hurtful stuff I’ve ever had come from the mouth of someone I actually really care about. I’ve had people that I was upset at, say things like that with no true knowledge of me on a personal level, just saying things because they were upset, but I’ve never had someone who up until this moment, has been a caring, loving person in my life. Someone I actually looked forward to talking to on breaks, someone I want to spend my free time with working out, going to movies, eating new foods, make plans to go places, etc etc. I’m just in shock. People who know me, know I’m very verbal when upset, and I don’t’ let people sit there and chew me out like she was doing. However, that’s exactly what I was doing this time. I was blown away. I know I’m using the word “shocked”, and people are thinking amazed, or just surprised. No, I was shocked. My mind was locking up, trying to process what was happening, trying to make sense of what events led to this. It wasn’t working. I couldn’t understand how we’d gotten to this spot. A month of planning, and all for it to end with someone professing their hatred for me as if I’d killed their family and their favorite puppy. This whole time, Ashley has a look on her face like “what the fuck is she rambling on about? Does she even know the person she’s saying these things about?”

    Eventually, I argue back, and tell her that if what she’s saying is really how she thinks of me, then she can get out of my car, and find her own way home. I was done trying to be nice, I was done with having this kind of conversation and argument in a parking lot miles away from home with people (mostly drunk, and strippers mind you) walking around. The last thing I need is for some drunk guy to think he’s coming to a damsel in distress and start trying to kick my ass. Of course, I didn’t say any of that, I just told her to get out of my car. This is where she decides to call the cops. I know what you’re thinking . . . you’re wondering why? What are they going to do? I’m not holding her against her will, I’m not physically abusing her or anything. What reason could she literally have to call the cops?

    How about to tell them that I’m holding her against her will, and threatening to physically hurt her? Yea, you got it. That’s exactly what she’s telling the 9-1-1 operator. Ashley and I are just looking at each other wondering what in the fuck is going on? Is she really doing this? Surely she’s just talking to the phone with no one on the other end. Wrong. She’s doing everything we didn’t think she was. She’s lying her ass off to 9-1-1. I go into “WTF” mode again, and start walking away from the car. I tell Ashley to PLEASE get her out of my car so we can leave. I walk away for a few minutes, and she’s still in the car, still talking to 9-1-1. Amazing. Eventually Ashley gets her out of the car, and starts walking with her to bring her back inside. I get back in the car, and hope that it will start. Doesn’t at first. Awesome. Eventually, I get it to start, and I’m able to turn it off, lock it, go inside and get Ashley.

    Apparently Amanda felt the need to start telling everyone they saw on the way in that her boyfriend was outside, was going psycho, and was trying to hurt her. Ashley has to tell everyone they see on the way in that no, that’s not what’s going on. I didn’t know that part until we left though.

    I get to the table, tell Ashley it’s time to go, and we start to leave. I tell Amanda that even though she obviously hates me very much right now, and even though I’m still confused as to why, I don’t hate her. I’m upset with the situation, but I don’t hate her as a person, and want to go over all of this with her when she calms down. This just results in me being told fuck you and go away. Cool, that’s what I was doing anyways, so no biggie there.

    When we get to the car, Ashley and I are just fucking stupefied. We’re going over everything that happened, and neither of us can piece it together. We’ve never seen someone act that way, we’ve never seen someone be so hateful, and we’ve never seen someone so blatantly lie to strangers to get sympathy for a situation. We’re mentally lost.

    On the way home, I call Amanda to see if she wants a ride home or not. I don’t want to leave her there, but she wasn’t giving me much of an option. I’m worried for the girl, and don’t want some creep or something getting a hold of her. She never answers the phone. I text. Never a reply.

  • #2
    Ashley and I make it all the way back to my place, and I decide to go through the apartment to make sure I’ve got everything of hers out of the way, and packed up. She only had a printer here that my dad gave her and she forgot to take home. I put in in a garbage bag and bring it out to her car and set it next to it. Not wanting it to get stolen, and hoping to get a moment of clarity to talk to her when she gets back, I wait outside for her. Tried calling her (a TON of times) to make sure she was ok and was either getting a ride, or needed one. Of course, she never answers.

    So, I wait outside in the apartment parking lot for her. About 3:20am she shows up in a cab. Good, she’s safe. She asks me what is sitting next to her car. I tell her it’s her printer. She asks if I can move it, she doesn’t want it. Well, the dumpster is just a few steps away, so I ask her if she minds if I throw it away. She says sure. I throw it away, by the time I turn around, she’s burning off in her car.

    To this very moment of this posting, I have not heard a single word from her, she’s still insulted me on her fb (friends told me), and I’m still as confused now as I was last night.

    The End


    • #3
      Should have put (long read, with no payoff).


      • #4
        so you at least banged ashley right??

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Man up and forget about the psycho chick.



          • #6
            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
            so you at least banged ashley right??

            god bless.
            Answer this

            and then /thread


            • #7
              I would have left that bitch there long before the end of that story. I have no use for someone who is going to act like that.


              • #8
                That's crazy but you don't need someone like that in your life. Better that she showed her true colors sooner than later.
                Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
                Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS


                • #9
                  Why would you plan a night out with your girlfriend and have another girl there with you?


                  • #10
                    Sounds like a nice girl.


                    • #11
                      Soooooooo did you nail Ashley?

                      Oh and we need pics to determine if it's worth the crazy or not.
                      Originally posted by Nash B.
                      Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


                      • #12
                        Number of people who give a fuck:



                        • #13
                          its funny you had someone have a bit too much to drink and act like a complete asshole on friday, and the same thing happened to everyone at the christmas party on saturday. small world!

                          god bless.
                          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                            its funny you had someone have a bit too much to drink and act like a complete asshole on friday, and the same thing happened to everyone at the christmas party on saturday. small world!

                            god bless.
                            Who was an ass to everyone at the christmas party, in for the gossip?? Why, cause I am bored at work.


                            • #15
                              Sounds like she was trying to work up to breaking it off with you, but couldn't. You should've walked away the first time you asked Ashley if she wanted to go. I wouldn't look for any answers, and even if she comes crawling back, you should lose all traces of that girl, like socks in the dryer.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

