Yes, sometimes, when reading a thread about "nuances" and seeing women post about boobies and cooter shaving, I have to fap 3 times while walking backwards in inconsistant zigzags.
The endorphin rush takes over quickly. You'll be fine.
Didn't you tell me you have an OCD with corset lacings, too? I don't remember all the details since I was already half lit and you were playing with my boobs.
Nope, I can't lace myself....but He does! lol...They have to be equal.
however, the drawer with my restraints I am very anal about.....everything is in order and neatly laid out.....It just makes things easier to find when blind folded!!
I do have to have my tongues on my boots straight.
I can't stand the dinner table to be out of allignment. Everything has to be straight and equally spaced.