The kids in my honors history class are so fucking stupid. Only 2 of the 150 all damn day knew what Dec 7th was. I asked at the beginning of class, "What is today?" All day long, all I heard was "Tuesday." & "December 7th".
Such is the future of this country.
I can't wait to retire so I can start doing heavy drugs!
The kids in my honors history class are so fucking stupid. Only 2 of the 150 all damn day knew what Dec 7th was. I asked at the beginning of class, "What is today?" All day long, all I heard was "Tuesday." & "December 7th".
Such is the future of this country.
I can't wait to retire so I can start doing heavy drugs!
Lolz!!!! Simmilar to the generation that thinks we should apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just remind them that Japan was very lucky we did not wipe them off the face of the earth.
I had 2 Uncles and a Grandfather that fought in WWII, they are all gone now. Boy, do I miss those Men terribly. They used to take me hunting and fishing and the stories they would tell. We are so blessed that they gave so much!
Received this last night from a close friend who served in dads Group..
Seventy one years ago this morning I boarded a bus in Savannah, Ga. Headed for a seven day furlough in Washington, D.C. to spend with a sister and a boyhood friend. The next day, Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the japs. That nite I received a telegram, Report back to base PDQ. Couldn’t get a bus out until Mon. Nite so my friend gave me a whirlwind tour of our Nations Capitol. I was standing outside the Capitol Bldg. photographing it, while FDR was giving his “Day of Infamy” speech (photo). The rest is History.
Jack Heyn
WW II Ancient One
Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.