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Was offered a job at Lexus..

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  • Was offered a job at Lexus..

    I go to school with a Lexus trainee and he approached me today with a job where he works. His boss told him I have the job all I have to do is fill out the application and put his name as a reference.

    Id start at 13 an hour 40 a week minimum.

    This dealership stays busy enough they are adding bays and starting a night crew with workers 24/7.

    Current job is Autozone 8.70 at ~30 hours a week.

    I live 30 min north of Denton and Lexus is in grapevine.

    Here's the problem, I love my job. I like the people I work with, and I enjoy helping people. My managers and bosses and their bosses are cool as shit and I've had jobs before where this wasn't the case. I'm good at my job and I wouldn't put it past me being the best at my store.

    With school, gas, car and other expenses + play money I have about 10 dollars in the bank before my next check hits. I'm literally living check to check and it would be impossible to live on my own without my patents help, to me that's depressing and almost like I'm a failure.

    If Autozone would promote me to a manger I would make over 10 an hour and get ~40 hours a week. If that was the case I would be happy until I got out of school.

    I dont know what I should do. I need the money. Would like the money. But don't know if its worth the drive. I know I nearly double my paychecks and get killer deals on tools and all types of stuff like that.

    I don't know shit about Lexus, but I'm sure they already know as much. It scares me not knowing what to expect and I know they won't throw me in the big jobs right away. This job opening isn't changing oil, it's a technician trainee to become a REAL technician.

    Dfwmustangs, help me decide on what I should do.

    Remember for me it's not all about the money. This oppertunity kind of hit me at a weird time in my life. I thought I knew what I was doing but now I feel lost.

    320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

    DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq

  • #2
    stay at your job if you are happy
    Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


    • #3
      I'm guessing you'd be a lube tech?
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #4
        Use a torque stick and avoid mixing 4loko & fat chicks.
        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
        dont downshift!!
        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


        • #5
          Talk to the guy at Lexus and see if you will be able to get into their apprentice program. That is, if you are wanting to turn wrenches for a living.


          • #6
            Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
            I'm guessing you'd be a lube tech?

            320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

            DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


            • #7
              Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
              Use a torque stick and avoid mixing 4loko & fat chicks.
              Lol, I think I have my basis covered on that stuff.

              320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

              DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


              • #8
                Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
                Then... what?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by paul_376 View Post
                  stay at your job if you are happy
                  I love my job, I just can't afford to put tires on my car or gas in my tank sometimes. Im always asking for help and I don't like that.

                  320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

                  DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
                    What would you be doing? Parts counter, parts puller? I was gonna say that if you were doing quick service, some of the guys that I worked with at Five Star were making $50k a year and going to night school. Not bad if you ask me. IF you were promoted to manager at your current job, that'd be great on your post school job resume so you might want to talk to somebody at your current job about a possible future promotion. A 40% pay increase is hard to pass up though as long as it doesn't inconvenience you too much.
                    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Denny View Post
                      Then... what?
                      Trainee, id shadow a tech I assume. The guy I'm talking to about this said that his boss was looking for another tech trainee.

                      He's 20 and does warranty engine work and all types of stuff. So I assume they are needing something more then a oil changer.

                      320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

                      DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


                      • #12
                        $10 an hour for management? Holy hell no wonder the majority of workers you deal with at autozone are subpar.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
                          Trainee, id shadow a tech I assume. The guy I'm talking to about this said that his boss was looking for another tech trainee.

                          He's 20 and does warranty engine work and all types of stuff. So I assume they are needing something more then a oil changer.
                          You might wanna get more details. The way this usually works is that you work for nine weeks for 40 hours a week plus as a lube tech every Saturday, then you go to school for 9 weeks and work every Saturday, and you alternate that for about 2 years until you graduate with your ASE or whatever certifcation that dealership uses.

                          I've personally never seen somebody just come in and train to work on cars without them having a certification or working on getting certified and I've worked in the dealership business for 6 years. 5 years porting cars and becoming friends with a lot of these trainee's/students, and 1 year of writing service working closely with techs doing the repairs/training.
                          "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                          • #14
                            I'd say go for it. Take what you've learned at Autozone, apply liberal doses of good attitude and industrial strength work ethic, and make it happen. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Also, it seems like there's always way more work for luxury techs than regular brand techs.
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • #15
                              Just make sure that if you decide to make the switch from 'Zone to Lexus, DON'T BURN THAT BRIDGE AT AUTOZONE!!!! Explain to them that you've been given an opportunity to make alot more money, but that it just came at you outta the blue...but make sure that they know that you absolutely love your current job. Make sure you do everything right so that if Lexus doesn't work out in "X" months, you've got a damn good chance at getting your old job back.

                              And hey, if you tell them you've gotten an offer to make more money, they MAY just give you a raise to keep you there (if you're the badass you say you are) :-D
                              "We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln

